Why Do So Many Audiophiles Reject Blind Testing Of Audio Components?

Because it was scientifically proven to be useless more than 60 years ago.

A speech scientist by the name of Irwin Pollack have conducted an experiment in the early 1950s. In a blind ABX listening test, he asked people to distinguish minimal pairs of consonants (like “r” and “l”, or “t” and “p”).

He found out that listeners had no problem telling these consonants apart when they were played back immediately one after the other. But as he increased the pause between the playbacks, the listener’s ability to distinguish between them diminished. Once the time separating the sounds exceeded 10-15 milliseconds (approximately 1/100th of a second), people had a really hard time telling obviously different sounds apart. Their answers became statistically no better than a random guess.

If you are interested in the science of these things, here’s a nice summary:

Categorical and noncategorical modes of speech perception along the voicing continuum

Since then, the experiment was repeated many times (last major update in 2000, Reliability of a dichotic consonant-vowel pairs task using an ABX procedure.)

So reliably recognizing the difference between similar sounds in an ABX environment is impossible. 15ms playback gap, and the listener’s guess becomes no better than random. This happens because humans don't have any meaningful waveform memory. We cannot exactly recall the sound itself, and rely on various mental models for comparison. It takes time and effort to develop these models, thus making us really bad at playing "spot the sonic difference right now and here" game.

Also, please note that the experimenters were using the sounds of speech. Human ears have significantly better resolution and discrimination in the speech spectrum. If a comparison method is not working well with speech, it would not work at all with music.

So the “double blind testing” crowd is worshiping an ABX protocol that was scientifically proven more than 60 years ago to be completely unsuitable for telling similar sounds apart. And they insist all the other methods are “unscientific.”

The irony seems to be lost on them.

Why do so many audiophiles reject blind testing of audio components? - Quora

Showing 17 responses by peguinpower

Btw, I still cant pick and excellent wine for the life of me. But I know what one tastes like.
This keyboard warrior likes to war on interwebs and putz around with testing.

Nerds and their testing. I guess if you cant get a date; youve got to so something lol

Testing is cool and all. But seriously, this is something that manufacturers should do as part of R&D.

Im pretty sick of the garage audio scientists putzing around with their 75 dollar mics and charts claiming authority over the audio universe. 
I have a life. I spend my spare listening to music and fiddling with my various hobbies. IDGAF about condescending zealots.

Ive been at this long enough to see all sorts. 
The most common zealot is the one motivated by the desire to compensate for his own insufficiencies. Whatever the circumstance, he is unable to experience variety.

That said, Ive found one right here. The guy is on a cable forum screeching about cables. The engagement is his reward. “I stuck it to them”

its pretty sad. 

but its good to give some push back. the nerds wanna take over the house. not on my watch lol
the biggest irony with these testing nerds is that they are usually the ones with the least exposure to a wide and varied spectrum of equipment. 
Its not even a question of affordability, but in most cases, its a dogmatic view of the hobby and refusal to listen. 
that being the case, they fail the number criteria in scientific methodology. they fail to observe. 
If you listen to a lot of music, and over the years have experience a good assortment of equipment, trust me, trust your ears. audio reproduction is no different from food or wine. Its is consumption that stimulates the senses. Its basis is science, but satisfaction and fulfillment comes down to giving the listener an experience.

if you want plain sustenance, Mcdonalds is right there for you. Its got everything you need and it measures well :)

^^^artemus, there are those too. 
A few life examples:

guys tells me bbq cant get any better than his local guy, but has never tasted product from a true pit master

me telling my wife, the wine is costco is all I need, wife pays for a wine tasting in Paris selected by an excellent sommelier, I eat crow

the people who try and lump all things in one bucket dont know there are truly fine things in this world. Beer, cars, shoot, I even learned to appreciate a good chair recently. 


i was in the presence of a true master race mechanic from a Japanese manufacturer with decades of experience. He taught my colleague how adjust the valve clearance on a particular engine. Simply spacing the intake valve tight to the gauge, and the exhaust a little loose gave a 30hp boost in output.

you dont learn stuff like that from testing nerds. You get it in the field trying, failing and learning.


Data can be manipulated. You could be measuring the wrong thing. 
Your so sure of yourself. Dont know from Adam. 

I know joy when I feel it. Thats all that matters.

You can take your data. Its no good to me.

True double blind testing is not practical for the average consumer.

Mapman - trying and failing is not testing.

Being in an actual race is not the same being on a test track.

if everything was a test, no car would fail at Le Mans. Duh.

so what? true experiences are not in had the laboratory nor in school, but in the real world, where stuff comes at you from every direction.

if you havent learned how valuable true experience is in life and business, then nothing I say will change you mind. youve got to experience it first (see what I did there?)

Yep. I work in tech. Have more data that I can use. I have a data scientist working for me. The first thing you learn is to make decision whether you have enough data or not, and the second reject data that is no use. 

I use data more than most. I use data to make decisions at work overseeing close to two dozen people. Not an intellectual masturbator who found Google and thinks he has the key to the universe.

@edgewound - this is a forum. i hope we are all adults. you have not been attacked. I say what I mean and if your feelings get hurt, thats tough.

Rest assured, if you are happy where u are, well and good. I can be happy for you. 
However, I can be just as vocal as the opposing position. And if it hurts feelings, fortunately, Ive got thick skin.