Why Do Schumann Resonators Work?

Schumann Resonators are little boxes you plug into the wall that produce electromagnetic radiation tuned to 7.83 Hz. This is the frequency that the earth/atmosphere system “rings” at when the Earth is struck by lightning. It is also a common frequency your brain “ticks” at.

When employed in the listening room, many people claim it makes their audio sound better. If this is true, then what is the mechanism of action?

-Is it a matter of the resonator producing a more relaxed mental state?
-Does it help block or alter electromagnetic interference?
-Does it add its own electromagnetic interference to your system that just so happens to be pleasing?

I experimented with one recently and what I noticed is that it seemed to remove some of the high frequency nasties or what some might call “digital glare” (although digital glare can also show up in analog systems). When I made this observation, the resonator was placed right next to my power strip that my CD player, preamp and some other devices are plugged into.

My “proof” of the effect is that I could turn the volume up louder than usual without it sounding “too loud.” The sound levels of the system weren’t any quieter, it’s just that the digital glare was reduced so that I could go louder before thinking “this is too loud,” which usually isn’t a sound level thing per se but the point as which some frequency (often the highs) become irritating.

So who here has experience with these devices? Do you like them? Does anyone know why they work?

Showing 23 responses by audiozenology

If your Schumann generator is 180 degrees out of phase with the natural Schumann resonance what happens?

Sometimes it is easier to let a horse lead themselves to water, then to do it for them .....
The resonance frequency ferries from about 7.65 to over 7.9 Hertz in the course of a day and varies the same way almost everyday but I did some seasonal variation. This is due 2 compression of the ionosphere due the solar winds coupled with where are the Schumann resonance is most excited typically Africa.

There are a fair number I've studies that have measured this. They are relatively easily researched. 7.83 is just an average. It is not an exact frequency and is similar to a broken clock in that it is only right twice a day or so.

A $0.10 or less Crystal resonator on the other hand is probably accurate over a reasonable temperature range two one one hundredth of a percent or better.
I so enjoy "chatting" with people who say things blatantly wrong, and when shown they are blatantly wrong, they try to deflect (obviously) from their error as opposed to admitting their mistake. It is not the behaviour of a mature adult.

Either way ... Mahgister, I am not a Schumann resonator advocate, but I expect that the accuracy is sufficient to be within the range of the typical resonance.
Hey people, you know the man child is trolling you? I doubt he even has working generator. Notice it always circles back to selling crap.
So enjoyable to read people espouse about antennas but not know how they work. It is something one can see on every Internet forum, every day ... nothing to see here.
For the next act, an explanation of how a 1700 foot am broadcast wave is picked up by a 2 inch antenna. May be some useful information in there .... 

Then again someone may throw out some "scalar wave" woohoo (they don't exist).
I wonder if certain people are trying to fool themselves so they don't have to admit their limitations to themselves, or they are trying to fool others in a desperate attempt to convince others they possess knowledge they don't have?

No worries. Most people have had walkie talkies with small antennas as kids, have key fobs for their cars with miniscule antennas for a 1 meter wavelength RF, and have had AM radios that fit into their hands that picked up 500 meter long waves just fine. I think they will make the leap that that RF signals don't require wavelength sized antennas .... Even if you can't.
Hey Clearthink, I was hoping you could give me some heads up on your stalk-trollung. I was already about 40 pages into "Clearthinks Practical book of Impractical Rants". If I knew I would be adding several pages today I would have gotten out of bed earlier but you know ... Holidays and all.
Someone is really dense if they think wavelength magically makes EM "different".
Since I don't interact with trolls, can someone tell the troll, who does not understand antennas that antennas are bidirectional, whether used as such as the time. 
You attack people here, I attack the erroneous content in your posts. You have already shown everyone else you have lost the argument. Too late. Ship has sailed. People who attack people in forums and not their post content ...do so because they can't.

The sub based antenna "could" transmit, but the amount of RF power that could be generated would be low. The long length of the ground based system and the high transmit powers allows more RF power to be generated. The ELF generator for sub communications (whose antenna are not all full wavelength and many are less) has a transmission power of millions of watts. Did you learn anything in that radio room?

Why do Schumann generators have no range? ... Hmmmmm

Don't tell a certain someone that you can build an AM band transmitter with a 2" antenna too. Those 10 meter band walkie talkies with little antennas couldn't work either. No idea how bad power supplies radiate 10 meter RF ... Enclosed and battery powered. It's a Christmas miracle!!
You do get that if a sub can receive ... It can transmit? May not be very efficient but it can. Sorry that simple and we'll known fact is lost on you. Anyone who understand RF is laughing .... And not with you.
You have the market on that cornered. Most people are rather perceptive. They can make the leap that you can send and receive with an antenna far smaller than a wavelength.   I wonder what they think of your constant protestations and deflections?  
It is perfectly capable of transmitting which you just admitted. You just admitted a few hundred feet long antenna can transmit low frequencies .... Awesome you are finally learning !!!
Genie is out of the bottle. You have failed to lead people astray yet again. That must get tiring.  Must be awful not admitting, realizing, or whatever the issue is that RF is RF, whether 7.83Hz or 550KHz, and just like you don't need a 500 meter antenna for 550KHz, you don't need a 25,000 mile antenna for 7.83 hz. Are you really that daft where RF is concerned?  Surely you don't think the keyfob for a car requires a 1 meter long antenna. Try to fit that into your pocket!
Sorry Geoff are proving yourself a triggered Wiki wannabee again. I even know the exact articles you are referencing wrt to the dual frequencies to create the 7.83hz.   The sub could absolutely transmit, just it's range would be poor. Do you know one of the reasons why they need so much power?  Salt water .... Behaves much like metal. Makes a great RF shield. Is your room with your Schumann generator filled with salt water? 

And yet I can built an AM transmitter at 550khz with a puny antenna and very low power that can transmit 100s of feet. 550Khz is 545 meters wavelength. 
The issue is your total lack of anything approaching knowledge w.r.t. antenna theory. Literally 0 it appears.  That is why you keep making personal attacks but have 0 details in your posts. Your personal attacks are childish and show some deep seated insecurities on your part. 
There we go. More childish insults. YOU have 0 clue about antenna theory, antenna design, narrow band coil antenna, or anything related. Therefore you keep spouting the same ignorant nonsense about full wavelength antennas and what it takes to "push" a signal through hundreds of feet on conductive water, as opposed to a simple device with "effects" if any of a few meters. The natural Schumann resonance e-field is puny, 100's of microvolts/meter, the magnetic field, a picotesla, or about 5 orders of magnitude below the earths static fields without any human activity. 

Most of these small devices make stupid claims like "scalar waves" or "scale wave fields", quackery science with no basis in reality (like many other claims certain people make).

How crazy are the claims associated with many of the products?  ...

"We were checking through hundreds of frequencies in locating the best possible signal which would have maximum penetration into the human Biofield. Little did we know that the particular frequency we choose was only .02 off the actual frequency that the “Arc of the Covenant” functions at. (Described in the Bible. Also the feature in the movie Indiana Jones)"

... who cares that the frequency changes 0.3 - 0.4Hz over the day. Why let facts get in the way?

Oh, better yet ....

"Since Scalar Waves operate outside of our conventional three-dimensional world, and thus they are not constrained by the limitations of conventional rules of physics.

Using conventional instruments, there is no way to measure the Scalar Field output as it functions outside of conventional physical principles."

... convenient. It's like they created an excuse that it is unlikely to prove their product does not do anything.

One should always trust the guy who has never designed any RF equipment and has never designed antennas for their RF knowledge. I know that is the path most companies who do RF products take ...

geoffkait19,096 posts12-27-2019 4:56pmYou’re barking at the moon, cowboy. I don’t make any claims. You must be mistaking me for someone who cares. Any knucklehead can find some ridiculous claims on the internet if he looks 👀 hard enough. If I can be so bold I suggest you back to whatever bunch of pseudo-scientist posers you came from.

Hey Clearthink. Thanks for the post. I needed some new material for my book. This is a peach!!