why do my $40 logitech speakers sound better than my $120 edifer speakers?

all i use my speakers for is just tv, like news and such, cnn, ect ect, my logitech 40$ speakers have a more balanced, "flat" sound (if thats the right term to use) the treble and bass sound like its one blended sound, with the edifer speakers, i can hear the treble and bass, are "separated" and for tv viewing it is distracting and does not sound natural,

am i crazy? or is there a reson why i think the logitech is better for tv/voice listening

Yes, I didn't watch much TV until the late 1990's (1999 to be exact) and missed gobs of stuff.

Loved Bryan Cranston in the Malcom sitcom, though later on only watched a few episodes of "Breaking Bad", as I found it too depressing (though realistic).

Funny... in that I started watching TV just a year, or so, before owning my first CD deck.

The biggest hit/series that both myself and my wife enjoyed equally @ the time was "Stargate SG1" starring MacGyver (Richard Dean Anderson).

I recently started recording  "Kolchak - The Night Stalker" series starring Darren McGavin.

Darren was a wine customer of mine (early 90's) when I worked in the food/wine industry and though I made it a point to not bug celebrity clients I broached such by asking him why he had not made a guest appearance on "The X-Files" which (to me) was based upon his much earlier "Night Stalker" series.

He replied "that's an excellent question" and I'm going to call/ask my (BLANK) manager the very same when I get back home".

Approx. One year later Darren was on the "X-Files", though not wardrobed in the iconic seersucker suit he wore on Kolchak (as I would have preferred).

He preferred ripe/fruit forward wines, in the under $10 range, which @ the time tipped towards Australia.

Found him a few lower California "field blends" that he also liked (Preston Vineyards comes to mind - though we didn't sell it and I referred him to Safeway Market).

Also got him hooked on a French wine (which we did carry) that was excellent, but not his usual choice.

It was a 1990 vintage (forget the label, but it referred to a walled city is the best I can recollect) and is was asskick regardless of the 5$ price tag.

Almost got fired for ordering 24 pallets of it for my store, but it ended up selling out within a few weeks.

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i am reading all these responses, so thanks guys, and cd318

"life like tone" is what  im looking for basically, clarity