Why do I keep torturing myself with remasters?

I am really beginning to believe these 180 remasters are mixed for a 500.00 system.It seems every one I buy it's either super bright,or has an ass load of bass in all the wrong places.The Bowie i have the soundstage is all wacked out .I have a decent setup but i can't imagine how much more obvious it must be on a serious setup.I can say the Yes fragile I got lately (cut fromt he original tapes) sounds pretty good ,Zeppelin In thru the outdoor Yikes! so bright waste of 25.00 again..... 

Showing 27 responses by oleschool

whart ,
 Bowie  ...The man who sold the world, it sounds like bowie is twenty feet back in a tube .I'm replacing so many albums due to my fire and most of these 180 gram purchases are suckin! I had hundreds and hundreds  of jap pressings,triples of most stuff all purchesed in the 70-90s .Problem is I just don't live close to any good stores up in nor cal.I keep buying used and am disapointed in the abuse people put on there lp.At 17yrs old (87') we were way into lps we cleaned everything on a 16.5 vrp sleeve with a cover,onto the denon dp47 103 d.Yeh we were ahead of the curve due to the cool older sibling influence.Anyway I have taken to many chances on these 180grm "audiophile !" recordings lol .

Tablejockey ...
The yes fragile i have is pretty good honestly..
Genesis Wind and wuthering ..pretty good 
Genesis The trick of the tail ...c+
Grateful Dead  american beauty pretty good 
( although i hear the 45 is great) most of the others sound like they were mixed for my car or some sh*t like that...

LIke I have said before I have a pretty decent setup,and it seems to me these albums are made to be played on systems lacking bass and in general poor performance and by no means an audiophile set up .I have not had good luck,often very bass heavy compressed or just weird "tunnel like "as if there trying to create a false sense of soundstage for a cheap bose set up or something .Maybe I should hook it up to my kitchen setup lol. I am listening to the 180 Genesis Nursey Cryme right now.remixed by Genesis and Nick Davis.I do like it it sounds digitized though,pinpoint quiet which was in no way anything Genesis lol the highs are not ripping my drivers out  .But i will offer it a b- for what is came from.Although it sounds very cdish ( did i invent a word there lol)
I have Cambridge transport and a Bel Canto dac, I listen to both although i do lean towards vinyl .
whart \
 thanks i'm ok its been awhile lol...I do have a dig front end cambridge trans and bel canto .I also have probly . 1/2 gi in a hardrive but its a far cry from spinning vinyl on my vpi ... also i havnt updated my dang profile i should someday lol and maybe take a pic its pretty decent imo ..after reading about gon members 150k systems it not in that league though
zepplins have straight up sucked .if i play them thru the bose wave in the kitchen there ok :)
I enjoy the input from everyone,although i am really trying to replace an irreplacable collection.I bought 90% of my jap pressings brand new and i mean hundred and hundred and hundreds and huuuundreds or german pressings ..Some of the early originals masters I had  Rush permanant waves was one i liked .The bulk of my collection aside form jazz was progressive rock.These albums are 30-75 plus bks used on discdogs etc.I am just growing tired of ordering a used lp paying to ship it and be disapointed again and again .I am crushing my nitty gritty lol.So I have been buying 180 g feel nice lol but almost not all are sh&tty.As for cd i had probly 5-7ooo all smoke damaged the smoke litterally rolled around in the holes of the jewel leaving a rezin much like my old pipe in high school lol.I tried everything i mean everything .Believe it or not bong cleaner minus the salt worked best.but 75% are just wasted .lps were in another room they were evaporated probly 2000. I,m sure i lost over 125k in music.Insurance would not cover it because i did not have any pics or documents. The equipment was wasted cj, maggies 3a , sunfires linn lp12 ,nakamichi reel luxman etc etc lol..or cry ...I am just trying to slowly get the bad taste out of my mouth 8yrs later and try to rebuild some of my collection again..Thanks to all

great read Bill ,I enjoyed the whole site .I made it through most of it and am always learning ,thanks you .
I miss my nakamichi dragon . I had a tandberg reel to reel too back in the 80-90s .. We were all tapers on grateful dead tour . Lol daze .. Beta was big too Then we switched to the Nomads if you remember. Some of the first hard drives .i litterally gave away atleast 2500 cassettes  to a freind he was flipping that was 92 maybe .
         As for vinyl any half speed i would rather just pop a cd in just not worth it . Any digital sounding vinyl with pops is useless .. I have a decent dig section . Viynl trumps it everytime when the recording is good pops or not just opens up like nothing else
i just got back from the rock and swap in frisco,there were originals there for 600bks (used)..ya right.
Ironically I scored a gang buster of stuff for under 20bks and and alot of scores were 3 bks these were all originals and uk press,couple japaneese too.
Hear ya whart
Thing is that most, if not dam near all my reissues sound like cds ,I may as well just get the cd .I have a decent trans and dac (cambridge, belcanto) but way perfer viynl.
I have heard some reissues from the original tapes that were good,Yes comes to mind .I know digital rules in most worlds but i just perfer the sound of the analogue tapes put to vinyl .
The progressive euro rock i am referring to that i am into among the popular stuff like
Early Genesis
Jethro tull
Gentle Giant
King Crimson
Pink Floyd
Tangerine Dream
The pricey stuff obscure like
Van Der Graff Generator
Le Orme
BIg Letto’
the goblin red roller album is in the hundreds
I saw numerous ones stashed away that I was shown were 600bks these bands I vaguely remembered
I am into alot of music ,this prog stuff gete uber pricey
I had most of these lps, I lost all my music in a house fire .thousands and thousands and thousands.

Whart , ya no kidding huh.I use to go up the street to my buddys store 
Of Sound MInd and grab a japaneese of this and a uk press of that .Il Belleto De Bronzo in stock lol .He is long since gone as is all my lps from my fire so i am really challenged to find all the old lps i enjoyed for many years.If you ever find or have a good source for some of these lps ,italian german and some english prog stuff hit me up.I am looking around for the original german pressed Eloys also ..
Listening to Gong Exprsesso right now.Who i saw a few times many moons ago ..(David Allen just died last month if you didnt know)

Hey sevs ,I m a little confused was that sarcasism? I just thought it may be of interest to a fan of Gong

Ken Golden ? my searches are finding a mathmatician and explorer .
Help a guy out lol...
 You certainly don't need 8k in albums man,why dont you send me a list of those eloys and others ,i can help you get rid of that junk.It's dated and old with grooves and pops yukk     : )
I had a couple different eq in the early 90s .I spent too much time playing with it for every album .As for "if its all i can get" sure,but the originals arent usually that hard its the condition that is tricky.I have recently bought  10 remasters and generally flip right past them for an original after listening to them, even with a few pops.

I have all the Nick Davis Genesis , can't remember which ones ,wind and wuthering, trick of the tail, selling england 180s etc .The trick i just got as original japaneese nm sounds great far better imo. The remixes by davis sound good they are very quiet which was never Genesis there early days they had very little money in there setups.I have not had good luck with the remastered 180 g "audiophile" vinyls.They just sound too digitized and usually very bass heavy.Almost every time i go back and grab the original in vg or better it smokes it,minus the obvious use on the lp.I have just started to go after any original or close,The pink floyds etc are just outrageous,300 up for a 77 wall etc.
      There are many ,some of which we have spoken about earlier in the thread.I steer clear of reissues if possible and go japanese press if possible. If i want zip and pow i can play a cd ,i want open and natural anolgue sound. Some of these sound like i pushed an imaginary loudness button and pushed my speakers about a foot apart.lol
I am all about the japanese vinyl ,its my go to if i have a choice .I just peeled open a original 1st sealed Boston  album sounded good but i felt it was overlery bright.Popped in my original mac rumours with a few pops and that bad boy is recorded well .
it was the epic cbs ,it sounds good just bright.

Whart i agree ,
It's a one at a time kinda thing,but i have not had good luck ,i have the 180 remaster of the man who sold the world ,its quiet and clean,but i perfer the original or a japanese if i came across it

Although the aqualung i have sounds better then the original ,i believe some of the early recordings were poor so sometimes its an improvement..

I agree ehto
    I lost thousand of albums to a house fire ,replacing them is virtually impossible.I shop in the obvious places and see something I had used for 50 bks to hundreds .That puts alot in prospective for me ,I think to myself  "if i could just shop from my old collection i would be stoked"
     Unforntunatley i was bit like many in the early 90s to let the lp12 sit and start collecting the ultimate sound! compact discs lol (many thousands were lost).
       I am rebuilding my collection again and I don't think i've bought 10 cd (used at that),and hundreds and hundreds of albums,That said i do have probly 10,000 albums in mp3 :(
      I still say original and japanese if i can get it. I just popped open a sealed Steely Dan Aja tonight lmtd original ,it was warped pretty bad when playing on bside even with my clamp.I shot the guy an email (ebay purchase) he told me to keep the album and he refunded my money back to paypal.I thought that was pretty cool because it was sealed and that can be a gamble sometimes because of age yannow
Sound good to me , although i never have . My concern with heat is flattening the grooves also
I embrace anything that works . Never have had a huge issue with warped lps . A few but not really so ...