Why do digital coax cables matter?

Could somebody please explain this to me? Why does a $100 dollar cable sound better than a $50 cable. Why is silver coax better than copper coax? Why do the quality of connectors matter in the digital realm?

I'm currently needing a cable for a Stello U3. Some people claim that are no discernible differences out there b/t different levels of coax cables. They say the only things that matter are impedance,cable length, and adequate shielding.

Showing 2 responses by mlsstl

Think of the range of answers to your question as a knob on your amplifier. You can turn it from hard left (7 o'clock) to hard right (5 o'clock). Or you can stop at any point in between.

Say hard left is the "complete skeptic" setting. If you put your knob in this position, you'll think that all USB cables sound alike and that anyone who hears a difference is a fool deluding themselves.

Hard right is the "magic" position. There will be vast and obvious differences between cables for reasons that probably involve Star Trek warp drive principles.

Move the knob to the middle left and you might think that, under some circumstances with certain equipment, RFI noise can subtly affect results. Move it mid-right and the difference between cables is heard more often and with greater clarity, and the technical explanations will go up a notch in creativity.

So, dial in whatever setting makes you happy. Just remember that no matter which one you choose, there will be plenty of people ready and willing to tell you you're wrong.