Why Do Audio Engineers Use Different Speakers?

I gather that audio engineers generally use different speakers than audiophiles. I hear they tend to use smaller self-powered speakers the majority of the time.

Other than the appearance of the box and the smaller room size they are likely to be in, why wouldn't an audiophiles want to use the same speaker?

Showing 2 responses by hdomke

Steve Hoffman certainly has some fine audio gear.
But are his speaker choices typical for most engineers?

Am I wrong when I write "I hear they tend to use smaller self-powered speakers the majority of the time."?
The answers to my question have been most enlightening. Thank you.
Now let me put a twist on my original question:
Why Don't Audio Engineers Use Expensive Cables?

I suggested to my audiophile friend that Audio Engineers do not use the expensive cables found in so many audiophile systems. His response:
"Au contraire! The high end remastering studios (not the run-of-the-mill giant studios) use high-end cables, power cords and power conditioners."

Does anyone personally know if Audio Engineers use high-end cables, power cords and power conditioners?

Are there any Audio Engineers out there who might be willing to offer an opinion?