Why do almost all women today hate home audio?

Why do almost all (99%) of women never seriously, sit, and listen to home audio through even one album?

I knew many, many women that listened, and had there own stereos, in the late 60's and 70's.

They even had big record collections, and some even had real-to-real tape recorders.

Why did they disappear?

What changed?


Showing 1 response by 1111art

I was surprised and happy to find that when my 28 yr. old daughter and her boyfriend visited, they sat patiently and listened to a 70 minute 'best of CD' I'd burned. Songs that showed off my system.

They both had their eyes closed the whole time, feet-a-tappin.

Afterwards, the BF said (very excitedly). "OMG, that wasn't just music, that was an EXPERIENCE!"

Fist time they'd ever heard what music should sound like. Made me smile and think, there may be hope for the future.