Why didn't I sell my vinyl rig?

I've recently moved heavily into streaming and digital playback.  That system's core is the Denafrips Terminator Plus DAC with an Innuos Zenith Mk 3 / Phoenix USB.  Just added a LHY Audio SW-8 ethernet switch. Great cables all the way around. By most standards this is a reasonable mix of gear.  I run the Innuos Sense App as it sounds better than Roon. Love the convenience of digital and infinite supply of tunes from Qobuz.  My problem is this.  My vinyl rig generally sounds better.  Sometimes by a wide margin. Do others with both rigs have the same problem?


Showing 8 responses by skinzy

I use my Mac mini as a Roon core to drive other systems in the house.  I do love Roon but unfortunately Sense sounds better with Innuos products.  

I also agree it's fun to run both types of media.  It just amazes me that vinyl can sound so good in 2023.  I do, however,  hate the hassle of vinyl.  Just in search of the best SQ. 

As I said I have a Gigabit Ethernet Media Converter that isolates EMI/RF interference optically.  Don't know if the Muon product would help? But thanks for suggestion.


You're right about cost difference.  I recently upgraded my entire vinyl setup along with the digital.  Spent 3 times as much on vinyl.  Found the greatest improvement with the DAC. It might be that a DCS based digital system, for example, could take it to a more competitive position. On the other hand many great recordings on vinyl just "feel" better with more energy and emotion.  On the other hand my ears were "weaned" on vinyl over 60 years ago.  Perhaps that's the difference?

I think that one thing we can all agree vinyl is a major hassle.  Sone (not me) may enjoy the work.  And then there's  45RPM..........  Ugh.  But when the needle drops on my copy of Classic Records 45RPM series of Time Our I'm transported to another place.

AR-2ax, how cool.  I bought a pair of those new in HS.  Then moved up to the AR-3a.  Best speaker of the day.  I drove them with a Dynaco Pre & Power that I built.  It was a killer system.

For what it's worth I just came across the Jay's Audio Lab video "Vinyl Vs Digital: Which Is THE BEST?"  Worth a watch.  It mirrors my conclusions exactly and compares the high-end of both formats coming to the same conclusion I have.

@missioncoonery  Don't know how much you watched but he had a top model MSB DAC & Streamer.  It tells me it's "in the" media.  I had an Esoteric K-01 for many years.  A nice player but was easily beat by my TP.  I now own a PS Audio PerfectWave SACD Transport.  While it sounds a bit better than streaming still not the match of the Vinyl.  You keep referring to my "top line" table.  If one looks at the range of available TT's it's in the middle.  Jay had a very high end table.  SME probably has one of the best. Do you have a vinyl system?

@oddiofyl You got me thinking about which is most important....TT, arm, cart, or phono pre.  My guess is cart and pre.  I know both of those upgrades in my system produced solid results.