Why cuts into vinyl covers?

Sorry if this has been asked before.  In my search to purchase vinyl I come across albums that have holes drilled or half inch cuts into the corners of the albums.  I've come across this on CD cases as well.  Does anybody know, who does this and why?  And do you think it devalues the album?
Thanks in advance.


Showing 2 responses by dekay


When you worked @ Tower did you know Jay (very long hair) who had a girlfriend named CiCi?

If so, he/they were neighbors for a number of years (great couple).


Great place to meet a wife (met mine while shopping @ Trader Joe's).

Was posting with tunnel vision/thinking before as I was referring to the Sunset store in Hollywood/West Hollywood.

Though Jay didn't look old enough @ the time think he said he'd worked there for 15 years (this was in the early 90's).

Maybe he lied about his age to enlist in Tower Records?
