Why Crazy Prices paid for Pioneer 100 JBL L100 AR1 AR3 AR3A

Have you ever owned these speakers before and why are people paying stupid money for them?
L100s and Pioneer 100s are not worth anywhere near 1k as i owned both. Pioneer 100s hurt the ears. L100s not bad but ive heard much better.
200$ max .
ARs i have never heard before please describe their sound
I asked where the market was of a guy who repairs and sells classic components and speakers.  His reply was that hipsters buy them because they are cool and classic. They want to impressed their hipster friends that they too can go retro. Hence the demand. Ahh, capitalism.

I have a pai of L100s that I bought in 1975 with an expensive crossover upgrade that made them sound really very good. I use them in the living room to impress my friends. :)
What does this stuff have in common with the pyramids?Its all ancient history.
I had a pair of HPM 100’s in college back in 80, I got rid of them in a few months. I bought them from a friend on the cheap. They didn’t sound good, nothing about them impressed. I was running them with GAS equipment and an SL 1500mk II with an Ortophon MC cart.  There were a few JBL’s that were decent but for the same money I thought there were better choices. 

Ive seen people pay stupid money for these speakers and can only surmise they are hearing nostalgia.  Same goes for Japanese receivers, people buy them because they look cool or maybe they couldn’t afford one back in the day. The sound quality of most of these is average mid-fi. There’s nothing wrong with that but when they go on about the great sound, etc., I lose interest. 

I sold hi end back then.  I heard a lot of theories on Japanese speakers but it was common knowledge there was maybe one good speaker at that time from Japan. And I believe it was designed by an American. 

There are a lot of JBL speaker models that sound much better than L100s and are a relative bargain, including some truly great studio monitors home models featuring some of the best compression drivers ever made. I sometimes run across bargain JBLs that sound truly great but are relatively inexpensive because they are not one of the hot fan boy models. Keep your L100s. I'll take baby butt cheeks all day long.

121 posts08-09-2020 7:39pm

People that rave about Pioneer speakers will also wax poetic about "vintage" Radio Shack speakers. They’re all over the audio Facebook pages and get very gnarly if you challenge their beliefs. Forgive them. They are just boneheads who don’t know any better.


Watch the name callin’,  I see you have the MC brashness sometimes too!  I know better, I’m not a bonehead. They are  great speakers. They were the speakers of the time. Rock and Roll was abound... And yes RS (Realistic) speakers were quit good also for their time, with a few tweeks, they both could hold their own, with anything of their time, and certainly in their price range...

Most of the guys making music, used JBL/Mcintosh monitors/amps. If they were doing their own record making, mixing, they always used what the audience was using at the time for playback.. The ones that were WAY ahead of their time anyway.. Beach Boys, Santanna, GDead, James Brown.. Call me a boneheaded maybe. Not a bone head. It goes in, It DON'T bounce off, AY? :-)
