Why buy a Marantz NA 7004 ?

With my old Rotel CD player well beyond its use by date I thought I'd invest in the Marantz NA 7004 Network Audio Player.

For those old enough to remember the old DOS computers the 7004 will provide a you with a trip down memory lane. The menu is slow, cumbersome and limited. Most certainly well below the standard that one would reasonably expect at the price point.

One might forgive the menu system if Marantz had got the design right, but unfortunately they haven't. By way of example the only USB input doubles as an ipod input, located at the front of the unit. Thus if you want to have a permanent ipod input you will have to put up with a dangling cable at the front of your expensive hifi system. The Marantz manual advises that the unit will read FAT 16 and 32 formatted USB's (only), well all I can say is that I have 15 years experience in the IT industry and I have totally failed at getting the unit to read from any USB drive in any format!

Yes, it will connect to your compter via wifi, though best if you only have a small music library as large libraries will create problems with access speed.

You can certainly access a massive range of internet radio stations and pod casts though the menu system makes searching an agonising event so the novelty soon wears off.

So my question is, am I missing something? Can someone please tell me why it is worth investing over $1000 in one of these units. My wife has asked me the question and I'm desperately searching for an answer.