Why aren't the older members still active ?

Just curious who is still very active from 2000 and earlier
on this site? I don't get on very often. I guess I have no opinions or my interest lies elsewhere. I remember in the early 2000s there seemed more interesting and heated topics then now. I cannot even get a rise out of anybody for saying "the Beatles where the worse group ever". I think somebody replied " I am a moron" without stating why he thought they were good. I started a thread in Music: Garage Band Hangover, about a website called Garage Hangover, but like 2 people responded. Some of my favs haven't been on in 3 even 5 years. So why is that?

Showing 1 response by has2be

Maybe the answer is less complex and more simplistic in terms of common sense and wisdom. It has always been a common belief we grow in wisdom as we grow in years and perhaps in doing so they choose the wisdom of listening to good music over bull shit.

Too tired to race
Too wise to still chase
The simple wisdom to enjoy the rythem and pace.