Why are there so many wooden box speakers out there?

I understand that wood is cheap and a box is easier to make than a sphere but when the speaker companies charge tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars for their speakers, shouldnt consumers expect more than just a typical box? Are consumers being duped?

Back in the 70’s a speaker engineer found that a sphere was best for a speaker. A square box was the worst and a rectangular box was marginally better.

The speaker engineers have surely known about this research so why has it been ignored?

Cabasse is the only company doing spheres. Should wooden boxes be made illegal


By far the most natural sounding speakers I’ve ever heard are recent Wilson Audios. They have paid attention to time alignment for decades, and refined the cabinet materials to dramatically reduce cabinet vibration, minimizing distortion. I don’t know where you got the sphere info, but go listen to a live symphony, and then a pair of Alex Vs. I think everyone can hear what is more or less realistic.

Wood boxes are easy to make. Complex shapes are way more costly and the question is if the complex shape is worth the cost compared to the cost of better drivers and crossovers. 

Those reasons are all WRONG and do not justify non spherical cabinets. There are different prices for speakers yes? So if you go up in price you rightly expect an improvement in terms of the materials and shapes used no? A box may have been acceptable for a cheap speaker but it is no longer acceptable when the speaker costs tens of thousands of bucks. Why is that so hard to admit? Just face it, we are being duped. How dare you claim that complex shapes are more costly to make as if consumers arent already being charged extortionate prices for those monkey coffins?

I myself was SHOCKED to hear steel guitars are actually made of wood. Now that's a ripoff! 🎸