Why are there so many wooden box speakers out there?

I understand that wood is cheap and a box is easier to make than a sphere but when the speaker companies charge tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars for their speakers, shouldnt consumers expect more than just a typical box? Are consumers being duped?

Back in the 70’s a speaker engineer found that a sphere was best for a speaker. A square box was the worst and a rectangular box was marginally better.

The speaker engineers have surely known about this research so why has it been ignored?

Cabasse is the only company doing spheres. Should wooden boxes be made illegal


Showing 19 responses by dill

"I'd say get rid of all those boxes!"

You would certainly be in the minority, but I guess you are used to that. 


You have, so far in this thread asked 28 questions. Now, you claim to be an expert on speakers right, if so, why so many questions and so few factual answers, just opinions? Where is the proof to your statements?

"Answers about what exactly?"

Perfect, another question. You just don’t get it do you?

For example you said: " I am not here to prove to you that spheres are better. That has already been done by other engineers many years ago."

Now, provide proof of that or is it just your flapping gums?

"We are simply saying why are all speakers wooden boxes when the reserach has shown that they should be spherical? "

Now, what research are you referring to? Can you provide a link? 

Now we know why all the women or men in Kenjit’s life left him all alone. Lack of good wood ... ;-)

"But the point is he did attempt to apply my technology"

Any real professional in this industry would not be boasting, putting piers down and lauding their accomplishments without a thread of proof. 

Your technology? Prove it, Kenjit. I say your a fraud ..

Kenjit urped: "Why does Andrew jones use multi faceted cabinets if perfect square edges would suffice? Is it not to recognize the great wisdom of Master Kenjit and take a leaf out of his book? Has the great Master Kenjit been vindicated?"

Again, only questions and no substance. Roxy is correct, master of nothing. Actually, just a master-baiter! Rubbing everyone the wrong way ...

"If you don’t like my nuggets I suggest you stop reading them"

Sorry, they don’t even reach the height of nuggets. More like droppings. Can you ever post anything without questions? It seems you need answers from the public to prove your position.

Still waiting Kenjit for proof of what you claim to have said, done or built. Tired of the flapping gums unless you can’t handle the truth.

You really have no standing ...

The only thing you have proved so far is thespeakerdude’s point.

"It is better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

If the shoe fits ....


"I'll have you know I am the inventor of the KSS speaker system (Patent pending)."

Don't believe it for a second. We all know you are just yanking our chain. Give us a link to your "speaker system" You do know about links, don't you? 

"They were small boxes mounted on a pair of stands in what looked like a fairly small room." - I do not have stand mounted speakers.

"If you want perfect sound you must have 20hz to 20khz reproduction." - There is no such thing as "perfect sound", it is subjective.

"You have a lot to learn." - no doubt, however it won’t be from you, I listen to the ones that know what they are talking about.



"There is no right or wrong though thats the problem you have Dill."

- I have no problem as I am neither right or wrong.

"It is not supposed to sound like anything. So if you have a preference for one speaker over another then one or both of them must be WRONG. The goal of this hobby is to find the RIGHT speakers and dismiss the WRONG ones. Anybody that thinks otherwise is WRONG."

- Do you read what you type? That is the most ridiculous thought you have spewed to date and that is saying something. Lay off the scotch and get back on your meds. BTW: I have found the right speakers and you sir, are WRONG.

Kenjit hurled: "The first step towards PERFECTION is to listen to your speakers and then write down a list of all the things which are imperfect about them."

Ok done, easy, sophomoric exercise. I found nothing imperfect about my speakers, I also found they where not perfect either. So, since nothing is perfect, I can't find them perfect. BTW: neither can you ...

More Kenjit crap: "That just means you need to improve your hearing before you start improving your speakers. How do you expect to enjoy the benefits of better quality speakers if your hearing isnt good enough?"

- I don’t "need" to do anything you could possibly suggest. I enjoy listening to my system. The music is more important to me than the components. I will never listen to your poor advice. BTW: What is your make believe system?