Why are older tubes so much sought after

What is it with old stock tubes?? They were made years ago and surely by now we have must learned something about making them. So why are some people searching for old tubes. I have a Shanling CD player and I actually think the stock tubes are better than the 395a tubes.

Showing 6 responses by sirspeedy

Well Albert,the movies,music and entertainers of the 40's,50's,and 60's might have to be included as well -:)
On a more serious (based on my post)note,I've had superb results using about six different NOS tube mfgrs,in my phonostage.

The differences in timbre and dynamic shadings have been quite audible.Costly,but worth it(almost),so I stocked up on two back up sets.

I believe there will always be good NOS types available,from some of the better dealers/sellers.

However,like anything "worthy" of collecting,from a bye-gone era,it will "cost you".

Stock up while they are "only" expensive.In the future they'll be "insanely pricey" -:)

Well I have to second the sentiments of Sir Porter.Yet,and yet.....since we are in the "what do ya think" phase of this thread,I've got a question I am dying to get feedback on(if anyone knows at all,or some thoughts)....

For those understanding the "why" of how come the CCa variants of Siemens(or Telefunken)6922 tubes are so good....these were made for the German Govt and communication industry,so had to meet a certain critical performance spec.Very tight tolerences!

My experience tells me they are superb(so are Amperex variants,but they were not CCa level,in supposed spec(sound damn good though).....SO....The Amperex 6922 Pinched Waiste tubes have gotten an incredible rep(the price goes hand in hand with the rep,unfortunately).I'm concerned with phono tubes,where I use my three Siemens CCa's.These took top spot from my comparing about six varieties in my set-up,to my taste,but...

I've got it on good authority(other than stuff like Joe's Tube Lore)that the Pinched Waiste tubes are "that good"(I've not tried them)....Info from the very credible Jafox(I think he's a friend of yours,Albert)and Steve Huntley of Great Northern Sound....Jafox seems to be "such" a nice guy that he offered to loan me some,for my opinion.

That was very generous,but I could not allow him to do it!Yet it does tell me just how nice a fellow he seems to be!!

Steve told me he had Jafox's superb pre in for an update awhile ago,and "it" was tubed with the Pinched Waiste Amperex tubes....The pre came UPS,but the tubes came via Wells Fargo Armored vehicle(I made that part up -:)

Steve told me he was bowled over by just how good the Pinched Waiste tubes performed.....thus my intense interest(within reason)...

My question is....I know of a source who claims that he has NOS Pinched Waiste 6922's BUT "these" are ALSO CCa's!!!

Yeow!!!Supposedly(I really don't know,but am very intrigued)even better than the normal already ultra scarce Amperex Pinched Waiste variants.These are Phillips of Holland 6922 Pinched Waiste CCa's.To me,unheard of!!A Pinched Waiste tube AND CCa to boot!!!Oy vey!

The seller claims the CCa variants of Pinched Waiste tubes are about as scarce a Gold Dabloons,found in your attic,and "supposedly" these would trump any other tube,for a Phonostage,or amp.....I'd love any thoughts.

Yes,they are expensive!!

Actually to adress Blueranger's original question...

In Tennis(I have played alot,for many years)one has the ability to choose the stringing type and tension as well as racket type,which will best serve one's game.

In acoustic guitars,the same thing almost.You choose a guitar type(dreadnaught,or Concert body,or Jumbo, etc)along with the preferred "tone woods" to voice a particular style of play...or musical flavor.Strings too.

With tubes,it's almost the same thing.It is very easy to voice a particular sonic preferrence,once one becomes familiar with what's out there.

Of course this can also be done in other ways.However.....tubes "can" allow a good system,with a careful owner,to be intriguing and down right captivating if done right.If the tube type is not up to snuff,it can easily be pulled out for a better match....we hope!Seems to me that many folks like this.

I've heard as many lousy sounding tube based rigs as SS set-ups,but when a good tube system is in front of me,it's instantly obvious!!And sorry....the better NOS tubes sound much better than the new alternatives.I wish it was not my experience,but it's so!

Btw,my own set-up is a hybrid,so I'm not in any specific camp.

There is a simple answer to this arguement.If it sounds good(not impossible with so much of the "better" designs)it IS GOOD!...PERIOD!!

Tube or SS!!!....AND if anyone doesn't buy that,what can I say?

Have fun rationalizing your preferrence!!

I LOVE my own well thought out hybrid system,and have spent many dollars,and years voicing it to my TOTAL satisfaction....BUT....

I have many friends who have ALL tube set-ups,and guess what?

Those systems(very carefuly put together)sound fantastic!!

To me,it is a definite "Skill Set" that many folks have attained,over a few years of exprience(and spending money).It can easily be SS or tubes,but the bottom line is....

I've heard enough "musically convincing" systems to know "either" camp is fine....

We've heard this before..."It's the Magic of the Magician"!!

A "well educated" hobbyist can go in either direction(somehow that sounds a bit odd-:) and get superb results!

That's the bottom line!
