Why are older tubes so much sought after

What is it with old stock tubes?? They were made years ago and surely by now we have must learned something about making them. So why are some people searching for old tubes. I have a Shanling CD player and I actually think the stock tubes are better than the 395a tubes.

Showing 1 response by aball

My recent experiences echo Chadeffect's. I have come across a number of new-production tubes that I find superior to their NOS counterparts, or at least good enough. This has been the case for 6L6GC, 12AU7, 12AT7, EL34. The only ones that seem to be consistently better in NOS form are the 12AX7 and 12BH7.

And it is a blessing! Just as the fun-factor of hunting for NOS tubes was wearing off, I discovered the new Groove Tubes KT66C (Shuguang - the Chinese make some great tubes) is fantastic. Hands down better than the NOS RCA black plate 6L6GC bottles - and for a lot less money and risk. Similar story for the ElectroHarmonix 12AU7 and 12AT7 - they are dirt cheap but if you can put that aside, they have a beautifully balanced sound that rivals all my old tubes. The venerable NOS RCA Clear-Top is terrible in my system with rolled off highs and mushy bass. And then some of the Brimars were horribly grainy.

But then there are the NOS 5751 black plates which will never be fully replicated, IMO, as they are just about perfect. Too bad my set is about worn out. The new Tung-Sol 12AX7 is very good, so I will make do with it, but on certain recordings I will sorely miss the imaging those Sylvanias could conjure up.

But let's not overlook the fact that these comparisons will be VERY tube dependent. There is lots of overlap in performance and which is better will totally depend on the exact tubes in question, the circuit they are plugged in, and the human brain doing the analyzing....
