Why are EMC-1 s being dumped on market?

It seems everyone is selling their EMC-1 players.
What is suddenly better? Are the new Audiomeca, Naim
or Brand X units a major leap forward? I have been sitting
out the Format War and listening to vinyl. However, I
would like wider selection in new music and would like to
know what is state-of-the-art and/or a good buy. Is the EMC-1 last year's technology?

Showing 1 response by rmml

I love my EMC-1 and I bought it without auditioning it beating out the Linn Ikemi which I initially wanted to buy before. What persuaded me to do that was because of what people here and at Audio Asylum said about it.It was one of the best decisions I did for my audio system.
And to Adios54, I don't know what kind of ear you have but I think you need to have it looked at or maybe you just need some q-tips,BIG LOSER.