why 3D Holographic sound

HI, guys, my question is, why I'experience thru holographic sound when standindg in front of my speakers obout 7' away and not as much when sitting in my chair about same distance, does it have something to do with speaker placement, or what,trying to find the reason why this is happening, dont' like to stand when playing my music, any sugestions will be apreciated. regards:

Showing 1 response by eweedhome

That's happened on my system--something I noticed even back in the 80's with much different gear. I believe the main culprit is sound reflected from the side walls and perhaps the ceiling and floor. It can be remedied to some extent--perhaps a large extent--by adjusting toe-in and tweeter angle. (I think it's 90% a tweeter issue.) Also, if your room can tolerate it, a lot of acoustic treatment can probably make a big difference.

But even when I've got everything just right and have very nice imaging from my listening chair, there seems to be a sweet spot fairly near the speakers and above them (i.e., that I get from a standing position) where the imaging is particularly fine. (The spot that I vividly remember with my Dahlquists in the 80's was only about a foot away.)