Whose sorry now? Sellers remorse from selling amp.

Have you ever experienced a great sense of depression selling an amplifier only to later realize that
it would be nearly impossible to achieve the same high level of sound with easy to find new units? Have you ever experienced a reduced EGO and sense of self worth after having passed up buying a high quality used amplifier? Please tell us what the makes and models of these amps are.

Showing 2 responses by mint604

I sold my 1959 Porsche Cabriolet Convertable with detachable hard top for $1200 in 1970, no zeros missing.
I must also confess to selling my McIntosh Mi-200 (industrial tube amp circa 1950), and my Western electric 594A 2"field coil driver (Circa 1930). I have never fully recovered from this mistake. The Mi-200 had the greatest bass I have ever heard. I cannot now find any amp,at any price that sounds anywhere near that fantastic. The WE driver had the most astounding and clear mid-range in existence. I sold this mono set to get into stereo 30 years ago, I mourn their loss on a daily basis and cannot find a suitable replacement. I feel heart broken,remorseful and depressed that these cannot be replaced, their prices are now astronomical.