Whose sorry now? Sellers remorse from selling amp.

Have you ever experienced a great sense of depression selling an amplifier only to later realize that
it would be nearly impossible to achieve the same high level of sound with easy to find new units? Have you ever experienced a reduced EGO and sense of self worth after having passed up buying a high quality used amplifier? Please tell us what the makes and models of these amps are.

Showing 1 response by boa2

Sold a pair of George Wright Mono 3.5 2A3 SET amps, which we really liked, but at the time we wanted to move to a 300B amp. I didn't know how good they could sound until we hooked them up at the buyer's loft in SF. In an instant, my wife and I wanted the darn things back! A few months later, we bought another pair, and still have them.