Who Was Your Favorite One Hit Wonder

What was your favorite one hit wonder song, and who performed it? You can name one or a few.

I loved (and still do) "Voices Carry" performed by Till Tuesday.

C'mon. Put on your thinking caps.

Showing 29 responses by rsbeck

Shirley Shirley bo burley
Banana fana fo firley
Fe fi fo firley

The Name Game -- Don't know the name of the artist
Wildfire -- Michael Martin Murphy

She ran calling Wildfire
She ran calling Wildfire
She ran calling Wildfire
Just Call Me Angel of the Morning
Merrilee Rush & The Turnabouts/Juice Newton
Words & Music by Chip Taylor

Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby.
IMO, making the top ONE HUNDRED doesn't make a song a HIT. Some of these bands may have had other songs that were enjoyable, may have even gotten a little airplay, but that doesn't make the other songs HITS.

I stand corrected on Dr.Hook. Forgot about that sappy cover of "Only Sixteen."