Who Tried Power Conditioners Over The Years and No Longer Use Them Today, Any Why?

Been thinking back to when I started in Audio and how good the system sounded with no power conditioners or fancy power cords. Then in the '90s slowly they both became a huge profit market for stores and manufacturers of them. If you used one on front end gear only or whole systems I will be interested in your real-world experience you could share with us all. I have a few so I am not against them, but I do at times have questions. 

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When my PS Audio  AC Junction box overheated and bit the dust, I replaced it with a generic TripLite box that happened to be in the house. Son of a gun, the stereo sounded better with the TripLite. I still though, connect the TripLite to my groovy PS audio wall outlets with the hefty PS Audio AC cord that came with the PS Audio box. Agreed, I was never able to do  back-and-forth comparisons, but I just don't care enough to fret over it. I'm getting good sound, and that's enough.