I’m still on the fence about cables. I started with cheap Groneberg Quattro Reference cables (~$200 per power cord and $300 per IC and speaker cables). I’ve now tried: Shunyata Alpha HC power cable, Shunyata Zitron Python XLR IC, Sablon Panatella IC, Blue Jeans RCA IC, Cerious Technologies Graphene Extreme blue power cable, Cerious Technologies Graphene Speaker cables, Oyaide Neo d+ USB, Belden Gold USB, Argento Flow Master Reference power cable.
I can’t say that I’ve really noticed a difference in my system and do think it’s very system dependent. Confirmation bias is definitely real. The first time I heard the Argento Flow Master Reference (~$6000+), I would have sworn that the difference was a big as switching from my Odyssey Kismet monos to the Sanders Magtech. The second time that I switched it out, which was a couple of months later, I heard no difference.
I heard no difference with the Shunyata Alpha HC power cable on my system, but when I took it to my brother’s system (Vandersteen Treo, McCormack HT-1 amp, Acoustic Zen Tsunami II power cable), the difference was very noticeable even at lower volumes.
I’d say you should experiment and just go with what you think sounds best in your system.
I can’t say that I’ve really noticed a difference in my system and do think it’s very system dependent. Confirmation bias is definitely real. The first time I heard the Argento Flow Master Reference (~$6000+), I would have sworn that the difference was a big as switching from my Odyssey Kismet monos to the Sanders Magtech. The second time that I switched it out, which was a couple of months later, I heard no difference.
I heard no difference with the Shunyata Alpha HC power cable on my system, but when I took it to my brother’s system (Vandersteen Treo, McCormack HT-1 amp, Acoustic Zen Tsunami II power cable), the difference was very noticeable even at lower volumes.
I’d say you should experiment and just go with what you think sounds best in your system.