Who sings "carry on" in Sony TV commercial?

This is a female singer singing Crosby, Stills, Nash & Youngs song.

Showing 4 responses by spluta

The closest i have gotten is at http://www.songtitle.info
They have every other one imaginable. That must be a really new commercial.

This is the first time i have not been able
to find something on the net. Its really gonna
drive me nuts until i do. Usually a few hours
of hackin away will do... This is a tough one.

Jadem6... I did run across a Sony music pulishing
site last night and they had a searchable database
and it didnt come up.

I will post as soon as i find.
T bone nice work!

I have always used Yahoo.. I Know they recently started
using google. Im pretty sure i tried that I was trying many combo's. I must have overlooked results(thats way to easy).

We must have posted at approx same time.. I checked before
i posted...

I will try again.

