Who's Your Favorite Bass Players; Why?

I like Paul Chambers for his groove and arco. Sam Jones for his Time. Rufus Reid becaues he taught me. Jaco because of the absolute passion. Christian McBride because he's the MAN righ now--and he's the director of the Brubeck Institute at the University of the Pacific, which is my Alma Mater; Ron Carter because of everything he's recorded; George Maraz because of his soul; Richard Davis because of his intensiity; Reggie Workman due to his authenticity; Lonnie Plaxico because of his work with he Jazz Messengers; Scott LaFaro--BECAUSE HE'S THE BEST! (Eddie Gomez and Chuck Isreal are cool, too!). Who're you 'un?

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stu hamm,billy sheehan,jeff berlin,i was very fortunate to have seen all 3 of them on the bx3 tour in buffalo,pittsburgh and cleveland within the past year,all of the shows were in very small clubs and they all seemed like they were having a great time playing together,hopefully they will decide to tour again in 2007/2008