Who’s been tinkering while trapped?

Have you been using any of your forced isolation time over the last few months to tinker with your HiFi gear between Zoom meetings and reruns on TV?  If so, what have you done, what have you learned, what’s worked and what hasn’t worked?  
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Showing 3 responses by oregonpapa

I’ve been busy rebuilding my blown-out harmonicas with new reed plates, replaced an old toilet, and did various other household chores that I’ve put off way too long. Oh, and I sighted in my AR-15 to perfection and reloaded as much ammo as I had brass for.



  • Getting ready for Helter Skelter, Frank?

Unless you've been living under a rock for the past two weeks, Geoff, you'd know that "Helter Skelter" is already here.

^^^ Actually, it was a book depicting the total anarchy of psychopaths being led by Charles Manson.  Today, we could write volumes. Different psychopaths, same result.
