Who R U?

A while back Garfish mentioned he lked the idea of getting to know some of us better.As no one has started a thread like this before I will take the plunge.I have been involved in and read many heated exchanges here in AudioGon.I hope no one attacks me for this thread saying "who cares about you,this is audio" Anyway,Im 45 and live in W.N.Y.I have never been married but have a music loving 11 year old daughter who lives with me.I have been a nurse for 20 years.Before that I was a Navy Corpsman for several years.I recently became engaged (first time) to a beautiful 30 year old music loving woman.At my age a 30 year old is a keeper and I have never been happier!! My other interests??Im into vinyl,who has time for anything else??

Showing 10 responses by sedond

hi again, mohamed. craig may have saved ewe some money, but he steered ya away from a *lot* better sound! ;~) regards, doug ps - whan ya purge the *last* piece of 110v gear - *that's* when yule get transferred back to the usa!!! :>)
hi mohamed, if anyone posting is an audiogon member, then they can be emailed directly, by yust looking up their user id in audiogon's list. if *not* a member, then ya have to post yer email address to get your comments posted. regards, sedond@ors.od.nih.gov
hi all, i dunno how i got started in this hobby - musta been that li'l transistor radio i got for my 6th b-d, back in 1962! i played it to *death*! then, when 11, i had saved up enuff allowance & paper-route money to buy my 1st stereo - a panasonic receiver w/matching speakers, cassette deck & turntable, all for $129 (my cheapskate tendencies also took hold early - i remember selling this set-up in a garage sale four years later, for $100!). then, back in '69, at age 13, i bought my 1st *serious* stereo - bose 901's, a dual 1229, & a pioneer sx828 60wpc receiver. this system got me thru college. dunno where i got this music-bug - no one in my fambly gives a hoot about music. i'm also into cars-n-motorcycles in a big way, & no one in my fambly understands *that*, either. oh well... i was born-n-raised in washington, dc; which may explain my *political* tendencies - i was handing out leaflets for eugene mccarthy's presidential bid back in '68! ;~) my liberal arts degree was obtained in ann-arbor, mi (8hrs from a forestry degree, garfish - i refused to take woody plants 1, & organic chemistry!) moved to portland oregon back in late '79, to go to lie...uh, i mean law school. when lie-skool confirmed all my expectations, i quit in the middle of my 2nd year. i wanted to remain in oregon (god's gift to n. america, imho), but reaganomics forced me back east in '83. i'm currently residing in a bucolic setting west of frederick, md, wery close to harper's ferry, wva. i commute down some lovely back-roads in/on one of my alfas/pantera/buell/ducati, (*no* toons in the cars, btw!) to the nih in bethesda, md to practice arch'l/engineering/construction project management, keeping all the dr's & researchers in their *sota* research labs. (no, i'm *not* loaded, the cost of *all* my wehicles combined woodn't be enuff for *one* m5 bmw!) enjoyin' life, listenin' to toons in the 25x38 living room, w/the wife, 9-yr-old daughter, & 5-yr-old son. the daughter likes to sing along w/me on my poor renditions of the likes of neil young, frank zappa, doc watson, & ??? :>) regards from doug in fredneck county, maryland
hi swampwalker, there are more & more preamps that offer dedicated h-t proccessor outputs - when ewe select this output, your main preamp defaults all its controls to the processor, so ewe can use the processor's volume control, etc, to run *all* the speakers. the rest of the time, the two main audio speakers don't see any of the processor electronics - ewe have the two main speakers driven by the preamp, & the surround speakers connected to the processor. preamps i knoew about that do this are made by linn, sonic-frontiers, vtl. i'm sure there are others. doug
hey lakefrontroad, tell yer son - i'm into car-audio too - nuttin' like the wail of the 3-litre alfa v6 in my daily-driver at 6.5k rpms! and, w/a commute of 45 miles each way, there's lotsa time for music! :>)

regards, doug

ps-no radio in my daily-driver - *that* kinda music can wait 'til i get home... ;~)

hi bill,

sounds like ya got *yer* musical priorities in order, so mebbe there's hope for yer son! ;~)

even a used wiper is beyond my budget, so i yust have to make-do w/a pantera. :>) its p.o. had a 6-cd changer & decent super-tuner fm-cassette head-unit installed. i still don't know how to use it! that ol' cleveland yust behind yer head makes pretty-decent music of its own - perhaps not like the symphony of eyetalian power - more like good southern rock? ;~)

regards, doug

dave, what kind of question is *that* to ask of a lady?!? ;~)

detlof, yes, i really *do* feel lucky, happy, blessed... i have a wonderful family, & i am able to enjoy things to their fullest, on a middle-class income, by being choosy, patient, & cheap! :>)

dug seed in

hey dave99, i always loved bluegrass, but never country. then i heard lyle lovett was country, & i have all his albums - does that make me a country fan? ;~)

and, re: rogue - i am *not* a rogue basher. i've just heard better, is all... ;~)

regards, doug s.

hi detlof,

the hotrodded lawnmower sits in the garage awaiting spring, & greener pastures... ;~)

but, the 24f tempurature didn't stop me from taking the relatively stock pantera to work this a.m.! :>) the msd electronic ignition santa brought it for x-mas means it starts up almost before ya touch the key, even when cold. ah yes, another kind of sweet music, inches away from the back of my head! i don't even know how to turn on the stereo or 6-disc cd-changer it came with, & i've had the car 3 years, now... ;~) mebbe next year, it, too, will be hotrodded, as i have almost all the parts needed for my 475hp motor. it will cost less than a tune-up on those *other* mid-engined italian beasts, too!

regards, doug s., ever the cheapskate...

sandra, i can understand your reluctance to jump in to the digital world, wanting to wait for the format wars to settle out. but, you may end up tuneless for a lot of years! ;~)

meanwhile i suggest you pick up an art di/o dac for ~$122 from fullcompass.com, ship it to wayne at boldercables.com, where he'll tweak it for ~$200. then, pair it w/any cheap cd-player of your choice - i like my nad 515 5-disc changer, retailed for $500, i got it a lot less as a demo. do a search on a-gon & on the audio asylum's digital forum for di/o (or dio), for info. while i can't speak for those who have dumped their $20k digital rigs in favor of the di/o, i *can* say i'd rather listen to my set-up than a $3k resolution audio cd-50 that has received so much positive press...

also, while my experience w/solid-state amps is that digital sounds better w/a tubed preamp than run straight-in to amps, w/tubed amps, your results may be different. but, w/o a preamp, ya miss out on all the good vinyl & fm available. a quality tuner w/good stations will *really* amaze you, thru your system, if you have never heard it. and even a half-decent vinyl set-up will blow almost *any* digital set-up away, imho...

doug s.