Who R U?

A while back Garfish mentioned he lked the idea of getting to know some of us better.As no one has started a thread like this before I will take the plunge.I have been involved in and read many heated exchanges here in AudioGon.I hope no one attacks me for this thread saying "who cares about you,this is audio" Anyway,Im 45 and live in W.N.Y.I have never been married but have a music loving 11 year old daughter who lives with me.I have been a nurse for 20 years.Before that I was a Navy Corpsman for several years.I recently became engaged (first time) to a beautiful 30 year old music loving woman.At my age a 30 year old is a keeper and I have never been happier!! My other interests??Im into vinyl,who has time for anything else??

Showing 2 responses by redkiwi

I am 46, married to the most wonderful woman in the world, have two terrific girls 7 and 8yrs, who in turn have a dog, two cats and a mouse. I live in New Zealand and descend from the marriage between one of the first British missionaries to New Zealand and the daughter of a tribal Maori King named Tamatewhakanene (pronounced Tar mar tay far ka nay nay). King "T" was the final signatory to this country's founding (but controversial) legal document, the Treaty Of Waitangi. I live in the ludicrously small city of Wellington, which is this country's capital, windy like Chicago and shakey like California, more cafes per head than New York. Commuting to the city is 5 minutes for me, 10 minutes in 'rush hour' - yet I live in a suburb that enjoys spectacular harbour views, abundant vegetation, bush walks and large sections (blocks of land). I am a business economist/strategist working in telecommunications. I have been involved in a number of audio ventures including manufacturing and marketing a valve preamp, and have good friendships with a number of people in the music, audio and film industries in New Zealand. Up till recently I had a good business sideline in Fiji, but the recent coup there has destroyed that opportunity for the present, much to my disappointment. If that coup had not occurred I would probably be now living in Fiji full-time. I have been actively keen (ie. spending money) on music since around 10 years old - first interests being the Beatles, quickly dropped for the Rolling Stones (at 10 and a half). Then ventured into Led Zeppelin, King Crimson, ELP etc (around 13). Followed by discovering Blues (15), then Classical (22), then Jazz (28). These days I have dropped the interest in pop and most electronic music in general. I dropped buying Classical when I reluctantly moved from vinyl to CD (very hard to get vinyl here) about five years ago. Somehow Classical has never sounded musical to me on CD. But I still go to Classical music concerts. Like many (but obviously not all) audiophiles I prefer to listen to mostly acoustic music and so my preferences are mainly Jazz, Blues with some Country and Folk sprinkled in too. Therefore my preferences in audio system are for transparency and timbral accuracy rather than for horse-power. My all-time favourite musicians include; Junior Wells (mainly when teamed with Buddy Guy playing guitar), James Brown, Shirley Horn, Sarah Vaughan, Lightnin' Hopkins, Bill Evans, Count Basie (his small band stuff), Tom Waits (but not the whole repertoire). My taste in people is confined to those with intellect, humour, honesty and self-respect - and so my friendships are few but deep. I am an introvert and so enjoy the solitude of a glass of wine, good music and a good book. My other 'phile obsessions and occupations are wine, coffee, motor-racing and rugby. I really enjoy reading Audiogon posts but do not contribute much as, being an introvert, I tend to wait till I feel I have something unique to say. One of my hobby-horses in the audio field is that audio magazines are not as relevant as most seem to believe. I feel the audio press is sadly, but understandably, all style and no substance - that journalism triumphs over reality, and that much of the audio vernacular is driven by these audio journalists needing to make the issues concerning a component more complicated than they really are. I find that I react to a component according to whether or not I can enjoy music when it is inserted in the chain, and that the attempts of audio journalists to categorise the sound issues into narrow components merely makes for a longer story - not greater insight.
Yes indeed Hdm, Junior Wells is fantastic, and Hoodoo Man Blues is one of my very favourite CDs. I also like a CD of Junior and Buddy which is an acoustic session recorded in France. These two CDs are the stand-outs that I have heard to date, with many of the others being of much lesser quality, but if you have any tips for me on that score I would be very grateful.