Who R U?

A while back Garfish mentioned he lked the idea of getting to know some of us better.As no one has started a thread like this before I will take the plunge.I have been involved in and read many heated exchanges here in AudioGon.I hope no one attacks me for this thread saying "who cares about you,this is audio" Anyway,Im 45 and live in W.N.Y.I have never been married but have a music loving 11 year old daughter who lives with me.I have been a nurse for 20 years.Before that I was a Navy Corpsman for several years.I recently became engaged (first time) to a beautiful 30 year old music loving woman.At my age a 30 year old is a keeper and I have never been happier!! My other interests??Im into vinyl,who has time for anything else??

Showing 2 responses by jeffloistarca

My turn to 'fess up. I'm 39 and have been involved in audio since I was 12. I have three kids, girl age 6, girl age 8, and boy age 10. Cool kids, and they're following my footsteps and very much enjoy music. I own six stereos so I listen to music always, unless I'm golfing, playing hockey, or coaching my kid's sports. I'm a branch manager for a semiconductor distribution company in Montreal (head office is in California). And yes I speak French, makes communication a chore, shifting back and forth between French and English leaves me a little befuddled at times. The hardware side of our obsession really hasn't grabbed me as much as the music, looks like I've kept the hobby in perspective so far. Having said that, I've spent my fair share on gear. Well, I'm off to see Pearl Jam, happy listening all...Jeff
Worldcup86, no, I don't know who Firebird is, I work for Insight Components, we distribute semiconductors (aka integrated circuits or chips). Some of the lines I carry include Burr Brown and Crystal Semiconductor, keeps me close to Classe, Oracle, Sima, etc...ATB, JL