Who R U?

A while back Garfish mentioned he lked the idea of getting to know some of us better.As no one has started a thread like this before I will take the plunge.I have been involved in and read many heated exchanges here in AudioGon.I hope no one attacks me for this thread saying "who cares about you,this is audio" Anyway,Im 45 and live in W.N.Y.I have never been married but have a music loving 11 year old daughter who lives with me.I have been a nurse for 20 years.Before that I was a Navy Corpsman for several years.I recently became engaged (first time) to a beautiful 30 year old music loving woman.At my age a 30 year old is a keeper and I have never been happier!! My other interests??Im into vinyl,who has time for anything else??

Showing 12 responses by gregm

David99, I must need a shrink (hello, Detlof & Larryr).It's taken me 6 months to reveal myself and although a newcomer at AG, I should have caught on earlier. Uncanny, the connections shared w/ you guys (& gals?), seems I'm not alone: let me summarise the connections. I'm Greg, 43 yrs old, from the old continent (hi, again, Detlof), born in Russia, raised in middle-europe and lived in France (moved around, a bit like Mohammad and Dekay. I am now a headhunter by trade (Ezmeralda11, if u see this, send me a resume... hi, Briweve / Sdcampbell, if u're there, let's do business. Need it for my next upgrade). Divorced with a beautiful (ofcourse) 6 yr old daughter, living with a lovely partner who has not, yet, offered me Mesa Barons (Dtj, you lucky b...!) BUT she's from DOWN UNDER (hi RED, hi Tim.warhurst). BTW, Red + hdm + other Junior Wells aficionados, I heard Junior live in Paris... drool (I did)!
A law + MBA graduate, I began my professional life at CBS (now Sony music) then, Unilever...unbeleivable, there's a P&G ex-rival on this thread.
Hobbies: my daughter, my partner, (red) wine, cognac, cigars, literature and music ever since I can remember. (i.e. things that are expensive, fattening and immoral.) I listen mostly to classical, jazz & blues. Am listening to Liszt's Christus as I warble.
Hi-end, etc. Got hooked when I first heard huge horn-loaded speakers at the tender age of ¬7 (Westminsters, Canterbury... something like that). I still remember being awed. My first system was a Philips integrated TT with two detachable bookshelf speakers & it took me 10 years to finance my first separates: Luxman (35?) integrated, Technics TT, Kefs. Since then, finance not really permitting but demos, deals, and friends allowing, I've gone thru valves (Jadis, ampliton!!!, KR, CAT, AR), all kinds of speakers (Apogee, Rogers, Spendor, Audioexklusiv, Quad, Audio Physic, Genesis), and source components (you name it). This is getting to sound like a hi-fi shop....
Thought I had a dream system some while back -- but had to sell everything due to dire financial straits.
Now operational again with Gen V speakers, Symphonic Line Kraftquelle pre, RG7 power, Reference CD, Zarathustra/ PLuto 6A/ Clearaudio Victory TT set-up / bearlabs cables-- and tweaking with lots of help from J D (Winters Lessons -- thanks JD for the tweaks and many thanks for your stamina: it teaches me many a lesson).
I'm now into searching the *best performance* in classical -- a costly past-time.
Thank you David, not only for the thread, but also for managing the plethora of responses.
Take care everyone and let's all be well to enjoy the beauty around us.
What traumatic experience is hiding behind Kubla's quest for Atmasphere? Is it an individual or a socially induced phenomenon? Not least: where does his powerful mastery of language derive from (what about body language...)?
Deep waters!
Detlof, would CERN be interested in his case?
Ofcourse, Detlof! As a bonus, you get a lake, polished streets, swiss clockwork efficiency -- that makes me feel SO inadequate by comparison, I have to take an aspirin and go to bed!

Also, isn't that where the internet actually started out?

David, have we safely cracked the 200 by now?
Detlof, you untidy! My, you've crushed my vision! But then, you UNtidy is probably identical to my tidy. Those pavement washing machines are great: ever since they brought little cleaner-scooters in Paris you can finally walk on the pavement without keeping your head down!
Amen, Joe, if I may say so. Your words give strength.
And let's all keep the ball rolling whatever happens...
Detlof, one release is on the "The Blues Brothers" film album. There are many others I don't remember right now unfortunately -- but can research if you wish!
Interesting story, Gheon (I used to be in a similar business, I think)! I liked your concluding sentence... very much similar to a "pensee" of B. Pascal. Welcome!
Welcome Bigkidz. You obviously succeeded in the most difficult endeavour: recognising beauty & happiness in everyday living. Cheers to you & family!
not ALL audio nuts are men! Do you think I will fit in here?
Most certainly! As a matter of fact, not all A'goners are men. You are lucky to have a musical home and, of course, the female's acute hearing...
Most importantly, you have a son who is healthy again. Welcome.