Who R U?

A while back Garfish mentioned he lked the idea of getting to know some of us better.As no one has started a thread like this before I will take the plunge.I have been involved in and read many heated exchanges here in AudioGon.I hope no one attacks me for this thread saying "who cares about you,this is audio" Anyway,Im 45 and live in W.N.Y.I have never been married but have a music loving 11 year old daughter who lives with me.I have been a nurse for 20 years.Before that I was a Navy Corpsman for several years.I recently became engaged (first time) to a beautiful 30 year old music loving woman.At my age a 30 year old is a keeper and I have never been happier!! My other interests??Im into vinyl,who has time for anything else??

Showing 34 responses by david99

Garfish,thats quite a stereo stand! I built one also but it only weighs in at 80 lbs.(sand filled) I have never been to the Oregon coast but from the pics.I've seen it is awesome! Happy Listening!
Charlie,I wont be selling any of my gear.I laid down the law early on concerning the importance of my stereo.She also is quite interested in the hardware.Digs the tubes and turntable!! Come on give me more credit than that!! I'm an AUDIOPHILE first,LOVER second........
Thanks Charles!! This thread is coming real well.Not a single fight yet!! Maybe getting to know one another better will finally help us to all get along better.My girlfriend is getting a kick out of this also.She likes the hardware part of this hobby too and we went to a shop yesterday and looked at some cool tube gear and some B+W Naultilus speakers.We just wish we could afford some!!
Tim,for some reason I thought it was the first release.Yes,the first song is "Flight response"I loved this CD on first listen.As I stated above,I have a CD-R copy.The sound quality is quite good but Im wondering how much better a "Store Bought"CD sounds.Also,do you know if this is avaliable on vinyl?
Hmm,Ok John,maybe that explains why I liked this CD so much.Im into Alice in Chains and have most on vinyl.Very interesting! Thanks!
Sean- I had high hopes this thread would be free of ignorance and put downs.But I see its been invaded and Im sure its all down hill from hear.I ask my fellow "geeks"to ignore this stooge and continue the mature dialog.P.S. anyone have any tape for my glasses?
Craig,I agree! Maybe we "hot heads" can save the potentially damaging comments/views for the other audio related threads.Lets keep this one clean please! Ive been turned on to a new CD.Its unusual for me to be excited at a first listen to something new.Usually I have to get a bit used to it.Its the first,self titled release from a modern rock band called "Days Of The New" Its really unusual and I think some of you that would never consider modern rock may enjoy it.Craig,check it out.The copy I have on loan is a CD-R.If you dont enjoy it as much as I think you may,I will buy it off you.Happy Holidays all!!
Welcome Marcy! Why dont you post more often? Tell us a little about your system.Tubes? S.S.? Analog? Digital? By the way,I got a blazing hot cup of coffee at Micky-Dees the other day and it burned my tongue.Can you get me a couple million?
joe_in_coherent :) You have some very extreme views.Cant say I agree with much at all you speak of but hey,so what! :)
welcome Ben! Does your chick dig your stereo? Think you can bring her to the "dark side of the force"? My lady reads my mags and "appears" to be interested in the hardware.But when I got my Pass Aleph-3 she didnt even notice it sitting proudly on the amp stand in place of my Dyna (I miss her glow) How can you miss a new amp!!?? for 2 days I waited and listened to music waiting for her to notice.Finally I pointed it out to her and she said "Oh, is that the Krell pre-amp you wanted"? I guess she needs to do some more reading :)
Ok all you new faces here.Give it up and tell us a little about your self and what your packin for audio gear.Dont be shy,we all had to do this too.
Lots of new members here that havent checked in to this thread yet.Come on guys and ladies,tell us about you.
Welcome dude! I have a 12 year old daughter!! YIKES!! boys and clothes! My system is Rega Planar 25 with RB-600 arm/Grado Platinum cartidge soon to be replaced with a Grado Reference.The TT sits on a Bright Star Audio Big Rock (love that sand Kelly) which sits on a home made wall shelf.Next in the chain is my Rogue Audio 99 with phono.I have Telefunkens and Radiotechniques in the phono stage and some NOS Russian tubes in the line stage.The 99 sits on 3 BDR cones #4's..... The 99 sits on a home made rack made of steel and MDF.From the 99 to my amp is 1 1/2 meter of Harmonic Tech.Pro-Silway MK 2.Since I only have 15 CDs I have a cheap $20 yard sale NEC CDP.This single disc player sounds pretty damn good! I have 1/2 meter of Kimber PBJ from the CDP to the 99.The CDP sits on some vibra-pods.My amp is a Pass Labs Aleph-3 which sits on 50 lbs of granite, which sits on a home made amp stand.Next is 8 feet of MIT T-2 biwire cables that go to my Paradigm Studio 80's (8 ohm,92 dB) I have a Monster conditioner soon to be replaced.(I hope) I made a bunch of room treatments that are very effective and look very nice.I have a ceramic skull that sits by my amp and we stare at each other while the tunes are cranked.Welcome aboard!!!!!
Johnny7 You have a great dream list in mind.Your choice of amp,CD player and cables is right on! May I suggest a Rogue Audio 66 or 99 preamp and the Paradigm 40's, 60's or 80's
This thread continues to grow and grow.Many members still hiding out though.Please,you shy ones.Tell us.. WHO R U ?
WOW! 200 posts! Who would have thought? Craig,nice idea!
All you audiophiles who are shy, dont be.Tell us who you are.Dont be afraid to make an ass of yourself.I do it all the time and still sleep like a baby.Well,except for last night!Welcome back Dug! CHEERS EVERYONE! THE DRINKS ARE ON DUG!
Tommy,welcome! You are originally from Buffalo huh?? I live in Wyoming County (cow country) I lived in S.California in the mid 70's for a short time.I had to get out of there before I died due to my lack of control and over indulgence.I wish at times I was still there.Don't you miss our snow?? :)
Welcome Karl! I am also in the medical profession but not at your level.I have an extensive background in psychiatry, but for the life of me,I am unable to find any reference in my old,dusty books about Audiophile Neurosis.I know it must be considered a major disorder though,as all one has to do is spend some time here to see for ones self!!! Happy posting and be careful!
Welcome Phillip!!
Angela,those are very good tips you gave! I wish I would have known about them 7 girlfriends ago!!
"EWE" should write a book "Love and the Audiophile"
Hey Joe,welcome!! Glad to hear the chemo' is tolerable.
Sounds like you love your vinyl! Many here are heavily into vinyl...love your musical preference also! You are so right!!! KEEP ON ROCKIN'!!
Welcome Mario, from one analog junkie to another :>)
There are lots of very informed audiophiles here and everytime I visit here I learn something new.
I think you will make a great member here! You chose the right site to involve yourself with....
Your analog enthusiasm and knowledge I especially look forward to!
Again,welcome Mario! Its about damn time my friend!
Welcome to all the new posters on this thread.Happy New Year to all!!Kelly,I still have my Rogue 99.I hope to change my name soon to David99magnum!!I cant believe there are almost 300 postings here.Actually Kelly,Craig was more or less the brain child of this thread.I kinda stole his idea and started it.Thanks Craig!!!My original post here needs a bit of updating.I no longer am with the young woman I mentioned.Live and learn! I now have an 'older'(44)and wiser woman in my life.She is incredible! She lives a 1 1/2 hour drive away in Niagara Falls,N.Y. I spend most of my free days there now and I really enjoy the area.She loves music but since Im a metal head it may be a bit of an adjustment.She loves country music!! Has boots and all for line dancing! YEE HA!!! Actually,country 'aint too bad.Very nice digital recordings.Don't worry Kelly,Im not dumping analog.:~)Hey Duddy,I see ewe are still Rogue bashing! Don't forget bud,Mark is a ex heavyweight fighter! :^)Albert,you must be going nuts with no tunes man!!Hey Carl! where R U?? heh,heh,heh! I miss that! Craig,congrats dude! almost 300!!!
Tim- Mario is planning on a end of January seminar with Rogue Audio.Not sure of the exact date yet or who else will be there.
Tim,you have to slow those spinning tires a bit!
Your dad CFB will take away your stereo if you get another speeding ticket!
Why dont all you new AudiogoN 'philes post a short bio??
Here's the deal: The 500th poster gets a FREE CD or LP inc. free shipping from me.My pick after you tell me what you like and if you have a copy already.
Lots of new faces in AudiogoN this year.
Come on 'philes,post your bio.
Happy Holidays to all!
400 posts now..who's going to be the winner of the LP or CD for being the 500th post?
Tim,save your pennies,we will have to go shopping soon!
Welcome to the latest posters.
Lots of new members here who havent posted their bio yet.
Come on guys and gals!!!
Hey Tim,it looks like it's going to be a while until we have to spend some money on a CD or LP for the winner of the 500th post.:~)