Who R U?

A while back Garfish mentioned he lked the idea of getting to know some of us better.As no one has started a thread like this before I will take the plunge.I have been involved in and read many heated exchanges here in AudioGon.I hope no one attacks me for this thread saying "who cares about you,this is audio" Anyway,Im 45 and live in W.N.Y.I have never been married but have a music loving 11 year old daughter who lives with me.I have been a nurse for 20 years.Before that I was a Navy Corpsman for several years.I recently became engaged (first time) to a beautiful 30 year old music loving woman.At my age a 30 year old is a keeper and I have never been happier!! My other interests??Im into vinyl,who has time for anything else??

Showing 27 responses by cornfedboy

karl (glad for the spellin' --inside joke): welcome to the 'gon. you are among other healers here, many who need to be healed and a few unfortunates who try to inflict pain. you can ignore the last group, help the middle and kvetch with the first. ;^] good listening. -kelly
pcweber11: glad to have you among us, phillip. you've been buying equipment since you were 17? interesting that you can't buy cigarettes legally 'til you're 18, and they're much less addictive than audio/ht gear! (but, for god's sake, don't let the politicians know this.) -kelly
jphilips: let me echo david's welcome. boy, if we get any more physicians on board, we're gonna need a hospital administrator just to monitor them. ;^] . kelly
welcome aboard mario. and what i'd like to know is: how did you come up with "toys from the attic"? -kelly
thedautch: good to have you among us. your story is another exemplar of timing being everything. i feel for you, having been a law school graduate a mere 32 years ago. i was a "fed" lawyer for 13 years (FTC). since joining the dark side of the force, my income has been as the ocean, troughs and peaks. thankfully, the peaks have been more frequent than the troughs. may the same be true for you. -Kelly
kjg: tho you've been posting for a goodly time, i've not gotten acquainted with you before. great to hear your story. i do hope you find success and good fortune in the coming months. -kelly
tthomas: you are a fortunate man, being able to spend so much time with your sons during their most formative years. i have two sons, as well, tho mine are aged 32 and 28. i hope your boys turn out to be young men in whom you can take as much pride as i do mine. they will, i am sure, be better for having lived with music all their young lives. welcome, and may your days be always filled with the sounds of music amid the voices of those you love. -kelly
evo845: your post here is poignant and very sad. first, permit me to say that you are wrong about people abhorring folks in so much pain they can't function normally. you have every right to feel pain, and grief, and anger, and anything else that comes to you. i was confused and depressed, too, when my mom was dying of cancer and my law firm was simultaneously imploding. it was hard to find joy in my kids, my wife, or even my ceaselessly cheerful dogs. my only pleasure was sleep, and that came fitfully, if at all. no one can possibly understand the horror you surely went through witnessing your father's death. nor the overwhelming feeling of unfairness at your mother's dying so young. it took me two years of intensive psychotherapy and the ingestion of several psychotropic drugs to come slowly out of my clinically depressed state. but these therapies worked for me. it took several years for me to admit my condition to friends, let alone strangers. i can now, because that is part of who i am. you've already done a very brave thing in posting your feelings about yourself, even anonymously. i urge you to share your feelings with others who can help you, if you haven't done so already. you are not alone. too many, in fact, feel as desperate as you. i will be happy to communicate with you privately, if you care to. best wishes, evo. -kelly
get on in here, tom! happy to welcome you to the internet's finest audio pub. -kelly
jvia: sounds to me like you're gettin' an education no money can buy. i envy your priorities. welcome aboard & keep us posted about the nashville scene.
- cfb
knucklenutz: what a great, appropriate name for a cabinet maker. good to have you among us. BTW, do you have any digital images of your projects you'd care to share? -kelly
pfkdmiac: yo, frank. you certainly belong here. multiple systems. still playin' vinyl. planning for the next upgrade. and the one after the one after that. doesn't seem like you need any suggestions. but keep on askin'. somebody's sure to answer. -cfb
nhorton: welcome back to the 'gon from a fellow coloradan. if you're interested in attending some openhouses in denver to hear some of the best components available, send me a private email and i'll get you on "the list." -kelly
rivercitylad: i've seen your moniker on a number of posts and guessed at where you are from. good to know more about you and happy to have you aboard. -kelly
grandpad: you, as i, are just one of many old farts on this forum who continue to listen and to learn. i regret the loss of your partner. at the same time, i envy you for your grandchildren; i'm still awaiting the birth, no, conception, of my names' sake. i've enjoyed reading your posts on the 'gon. welcome, friend. may you continue to grace our group with your yearning and wisdom. -cfb
fujindemon: you've told us everthing except "where r u." guess you'll need to visit that thread next. in any event, you're in good company here with your rouge gear. david99, the wise author of this longest running thread, even named himself after his rouge (or is that, former rouge?). BTW, don't even dream you're thru with your audio purchases. welcome to the 'gon.

jmarkarian: well, james, we're happy you've shed your veil to join in on these discussions. sounds like your search is well-defined and admirable. we look forward to your coming contributions. -cfb
bishopwill: so you've opened the closet door and declared yourself a crimson-tide "objectivist," no longer lurking in the shadows, ready to play a game of kick-the-can. or is it capture-the-flag?

Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!

this oughta' be fun. a priest and shrink wearin' a single cloak. and a bureaucrat in the bargain!

One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead and with its head
He went galumphing back.

welcome to the coming fray.....

--cfb (a/k/a, the "beamish boy")
zaikesman: yep, u b welcome here. nice post. i particularly like your listing of "primary stylistic touchstones." are there any others? -cfb
jonathan: if you keep makin' comments like that, you'd better watch your backside, lest you're targeted by the aaoic (american association of old irascible cynics). i’m a life, or what’s left of it, member. - cfb
sbindeman: you've actually seen gustav mahler perform/conduct? IAE, your tastes appear as eclectic as my own (tho, i've a difficult time imagining how patricia barber AND zappa could coexist as anyone's musical exemplars-perhaps you can explain that from one philosophical perspective or another). i do, most sincerely, welcome you to the 'gon and look forward to reading your opinions. -cfb
lugnut(patrick): great screen name and really nice bio. funny, but when i tell people of my old home state, iowa, i frequently get comments like, "oh yeah, where they grow all those potatoes." works both ways.

welcome to the 'gon!

jrwr7 (john)- congratulations on your new-found job stability and decision to admit to being a 'phile. i welcome you to the group that chooses to post instead of lurking and look forward to your contributions to the discussions ahead.

spitfire & jontiffin: it's great to see this thread keep going with your additions. glad to have you both among us.

howdy bob moyers! sounds like you're gonna fit into our little community like a cherry in a manhattan. -cfb
chris: you have a community here with which you may share your audio passion. welcome to our cyberpub!
