Who needs drugs when you've got music?


Does your stereo do this to you very often?

This is the only test of great stereo!

Showing 18 responses by csontos

That was the condensed version. As the church lady said, it's way more fun not being stoned.
How is pot a bit of an exception when you exploit it for abusive recreational purposes? There are consequences to the abuse and excessive use of herbs as well as pharmaceuticals. If you don't need it, why are you doing it? You know what they say about the doctor who has himself as a patient.
Yes, and using the ceiling as the floor will likely land you on your head. Besides, does music really need any help? Bottom line is if you need to take something to make you feel better, then something is wrong. It's actually more fun not being intoxicated. If you're ill, take medication. If you're just pretending, you will be.
Well we all have our positions and points of view, don't we. How pray tell did you wander on to this thread? Do you remember?
Jond, the operative here was the word "if". Looks like you relate. Never the less, I stand by what I said.

Don, that's the whole point though, isn't it?
You've got your wires crossed. Do you really think super smart people with no issues are going to be willing to compromise their mental acuity for more than experiment?

BTW, it does a lot more than just make you dumb, fat, and lazy. You can't not know that.
Not sure what that apology was for but Wolf, it seems you're our case study here. You've confirmed the inefficacy of drugs or "herbs" as pertains to the inspiration of art or at the very least music. So what is the loss you claim when attempting to benefit from an otherwise useless experience? Just curious.
Apparently zinc is useful in maintaining a healthy memory. But you have to remember to take it:)
Do you have children? What? Yea. My daughter came home one day after school and rhymed off what she'd done that day. I said 'that's great honey'. Next day she came home and gave me an update. By the way she was looking at me I knew there was something I forgot. Then her demeanor changed...like I don't care. She was about 19 then. My son was 16. That's when what a friend told me 15 years earlier finally hit home. He didn't rhyme off all the current list of cons. He simply stated,'you don't need it, Pete. Why are you doing it?' Right then and there I got my metal Dutch cookie canister I used to store my paraphernalia and weed in, and dumped it in the trash. That was 1996. I was stoned for 20 years straight. I had no short term memory. I could not hold a conversation. As soon as my turn came round for the second time, I'd have to ask, invariably, 'what are we talking about?'. It's only funny the first time. Not only that, but my tongue was frozen. I was slurring my speech like a drunkard. And I'm so sick of hearing, 'well, it affects everyone differently'. Bullshit! When I would be at a dealer, there quite often was other guys there also waiting in line. Turning and panning the room, they looked just as wasted as me. I've encountered lots of people in the same condition so you're not going to fool me. Those advocating it's legalization just don't want to face the truth, period. And there are not enough people around who do it so infrequently to not be affected and thereby to warrant it's legalization. There's more than one way to become addicted. It doesn't have to be physical.

It took two and a half years after quitting to regain my short term memory and to be able to speak normally. But actually, imo, the most important effect was that it arrests your development. It isolates you. You really are by yourself in a crowd. When I quit, I was a 16 year old in a 36 year old's body. My peers were teenagers.

So I know you guys know in your heart of hearts that it's something you shouldn't be doing.

No case studies? Take a wild guess why. I'm your case study!
Wolf, you're responding to this thread. I don't believe you. I knew you are in denial as soon as you stated the word 'often'. Had you not, your post would have concurred with mine.