Who makes this Pre-amp?

Octal based 6NS7 or 12NS7, 4 inputs, 2 outputs, tube rectified, point to point wired with top shelf parts. Remote control, at least volume control is a must. One balanced input and one balanced output a plus. HT by-pass is not necessary. Dual mono would also be nice but not necessary.
Ag insider logo xs@2xhoopster

Showing 3 responses by hoopster

Thanks for the responses. Do either of you own one of these? DeHavilland I am familiar with though have never heard one. The Custom I was not familiar with but looks right up my alley.
I have a Mapletree 2A SE with tube rectification. That’s where I got a love of the octal tube. Just want to see if I can move up with this type of pre and add a remote.

Very little information on the vuja de website. Also their price points are a bit beyond me. I am looking at $3K or so max. The Don Sachs or DeHavilland look to be my alternatives.