Who makes these? what is the value on them?

I inherited some slightly older equipment. It has been sitting in my basement unused for 3 years, I am trying to sell it, but not sure the best route. I went on to the bluebook part of this site and got some values, but can't find my speakers.

They are made by Soundwave, and are called Grand Soliloquy (sp? at work right now). Large HEAVY speakers. Triangle shaped with two 6" and a tweeter on both sides of speakers. Shape is triangular. like this
/ \
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The speakers are on the front sides. Almost bipol/dipol in design. I hooked it all up and they sound BEUTIFULL, unfortunately I don't use them that much and I want to use the money to get some higher end camera equipment.

Here is the other equipment.
Classe cp-50 (D/A converter)
2 B+K Components Reference 4420 2 channel amps
Theta Data Basic Cd transport
Theta DsPro Basic III digital signal processor.
And some rather large speaker cables that

where do you think the best place to sell this equipment?

Showing 1 response by lngbruno

I too own a pair of the Soundwave Grand Soliloquy speakers. Mine are the orginal ones and not the MK IIs. The reason why they show up in the Michigan area is because I was one of his home dealers when I lived in St. Joseph, MI. These speakers sold very easily and I had folks from Florida, Indiana, and West Virgina puchased pairs from me due to my day job.

About eight years ago I had to have the mid/woofers re-surround/coned. Apparently the glue Jim used on the originals did not mate well with the cone material and stayed in gel like state. Well, apparently I played them a little too loud (Threshold S450e amp) and separated the surround from the cone. A guy just north of where I live today (western PA) repaired them for a very reasonable price. He said he had never seen this before. Even though it had only occurred on one of the mid/woof drivers, I had him do all of them just in case. When he removed the drivers, he showed me the XOs and the parts and wiring were all top of the line. The drives were all custom made by Peerless (mid/woof) and Focal (tweeters) if IRRC.

They still sound amazing and I could sell more today (especially the stand mounted ones) if they were still in business. To add to David99 story above - at one point Jim, Dave Bellis, and the owner(s) of Magnum Dynalab had teamed up to help each other. This kept Jim afloat for a couple of more years.

If I were you, I would keep them and enjoy their sound signature.