Who makes the most musical hybrid preamps?

I currently have a PS audio BHK for my MONO amps, and was wondering if anyone would recommend the next level Hybrid upgrade?  Has anyone upgraded from the BHK preamp?



Showing 1 response by toddcowles

I owned a BHK Pre. Ran it with BHK mono’s, and a McIntosh MC452. Great sounding pre. I ran Pass Lab pre’s after the BHK, which are non-hybrid. Then went direct from the DAC to the amps, and now run a VTL 6.5 II pre amp, uses two 12AUX7’s and it has great synergy with Pass Labs amps.

I remember the BHK being really warm sounding, and at times the midrange would get just a tad bit muddy. The VTL excels at all things, and doesn’t get congested, has great low-end weight and a delicate top end, without treble harshness.  

The other to check out would be VAC.  There’s also ModWright, which if you were going to stay in the PSAudio price range, I believe the ModWright would be a more equivalent comparison.  I’ve not heard VAC/MW’s, so I have no point of reference on either.