Who makes JUST a processor????

I have been bitten by the upgrade bug (once again)! My current system is used for music (70%) and home theater. All of my equipment is seperate, including my DD processor - a Yamaha DDP-2. I have enjoyed the Yamaha for several years but am wanting to have the ability to decode DTS. I have looked at a ton of pre/pro's but none near my price range have all of the features I want (with the exception of the Outlaw 950 but...). What I have NOT been able to find is simply a processor (without the preamp capabilities). Is there a company that JUST makes a processor for DD and DTS? I just want a decoder that will take the digital signal from a DVD/LD, process it, and pass the 5.1 analog signal to a SEPERATE pre-amp. Too many of the pre/pros (Hell, almost ALL) take the incoming signals, whether digital or analog, and convert it to digital - even with two channel. New or used is fine - DD and DTS a must but don't really care too much about 6.1/7.1 capabilities. Thanks!

Showing 1 response by treyhoss

Thanks for the great suggestions - you guys are great! I'm looking very hard at the new Sony TA-P900es pre-amp which accepts TWO sets of 5.1 inputs and a stereo bypass. That piece also got an A rating in the latest 'Phile recommended componenets list. It was reviewed in 10/01. I will keep you all posted. Thanks again!