Who makes budget speaker cables which are truly “good” or “exceptional” in quality?

A dealer of mine convinced me into buying Analysis Plus speakers cables that I have enjoyed for a few years now. I noticed some other companies making speaker cables for many multiples of $1k and wondered how many truly good companies are making budget speaker cables nowadays? Who are they? What are the prices?  I had Blue Jean speaker cables some years back and thought they were as good as the Analysis Plus brand I have now. What is your brand? 
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Showing 5 responses by willemj

Any cheap cable will be good enough. Take a thicker one for greater lengths, and that is it. $1 per foot will do it. Technically, ordinary thicker quality electricity cable is fine, but it helps if the cable has some marking of the two poles, like different colours or different shapes (like square vs round isolation). That is the only advantage of dedicated speaker cable. You do not wan to mix up the polarity. Two famous speaker designers (Peter Walker of Quad and Alan Shaw of Harbeth) are on record as saying the cable craze is technical nonsense. Spend your money where it does some good to the sound rather than the dealer's bank account.
Peter Walker was one of the most gifted and orginal amplifier designers, designing, first, an excellent for the day valve amplifier, next, one of the first high quality solid state amplifiers (the 33/303), designing very practical tone control and filter systems for these, and next the very clever concept of current dumping for the 405 power amplifier, still used in modern Quad power amplifiers. He was also the designer of the first practical full range electrostatic loudspeaker (the ELS 57 still admired by many) and next the ELS63 with its delay lines, a design that is still at the heart of the current Quad electrostats, viewed by quite a few as the most natural speakers money can buy.
Have you designed something better in the history of home audio?