Who LOVES their under $ 1000 table combination ?

Okay.....here's the deal. I'm cuerrently driving my Rogue Audio Cronus integrated amp and Vandersteen 1C speakers with an NAD 533 turntable/Rega RB-250 arm/Goldring Elektra cartridge set-up. I was originally toying with the idea of switching to a thick acrylic platter, upgrading the sub-platter, adding shims to change VTA, and replacing the cartridge. .....Then I thought...that's all crazy. I should just buy a whole new set-up. So...what are some recommendations for table/cartridge combo. that will keep me at around $1000.00, sound considerably better than what I have now, and match well with my amp and apeakers ?

Showing 2 responses by jsadurni

I probably shouldnt post here since I DONT love my under 1,000 set up! But maybe some one could help me get a better sound without thrashing the whole thing...

I have a Denon 1800 TT with original marble plinth, it has the original arm (I read somewhere it is pobably better than the ubiquos rega 250 or 300 modded?) I have a Grado Platinum cartridge and a Counterpoint SA 5.1 preamp. (I think the preamp has some mods since it has the smaller bypass caps all over). I have a DIY wall mount with a sand box and 2" solid spruce wood base for the TT. A friend with good TT knowledge mounted the cartridge for me...

My Forsell-EAD 7000 III combination cd player absolutely kills it, it is not subtle even with my better Lps.

I have several MM AT cartridges I have tried and the sound is diferent but not really better..

So, how should I upgrade, the tonearm seems to be the guitly one I guess, maybe tonearm wire is to blame?

I guess its an 80s direct drive TT with a strobe light and pich control, looks pretty serious, I will take some pics tomorrow and post them...

I also have a late Oracle Alexandria TT one of the latest models all balck pretty good looking, I will need a maintenance kit and a new tonearm...SME has been recommended (not a 3009) so I am looking at a 309 or an SME IV at least 1.5- 2k more for really the same cartridge and preamp!!!! I am not sure how much of an upgrade it will be...Maybe a Dynavector 20X MC-High output for an extra $650 wil help.... Make that almost 3K.