Who is the WORST Audio Shop?

There seems to have been quite a bit written over the past several years regarding the myriad of reasons one can attribute to the demise of the brick and mortar audio shop. Rarely have I read however one of the most obvious reasons, which based on my experience, has got to be the simple fact that for the most part, they just didn't offer a high end listening experience. That, along with an elitist and careless attitude towards customer service, buried them as much as anything else. So here's my question. Who is the WORST audio shop/dealer you've ever encountered?

Showing 2 responses by tsugury

Mrtennis, when the Green Mountain Europa's first came out he was the Green Mountain distributor in my area. I went there with the money burning a hole in my pocket. He does have some nice equipment there but was rather rude and condescending . He asked what amp I had, I told him a Cayin. He said something to the effect that it can't be any good cause he never heard of it. Then he said most of his customers have second vacation homes in the Hampton's which would be bigger than my modest home. I don't know where the attitude was from, maybe I didn't look rich enough to afford a custom home theater,(which is his mainstay). So I thanked him for his time and left. I'll spend my little money elsewhere ,thank you.