Who Here Makes Their Own Power Cables?

I love making cables for my guitars, amps etc. and I want to build two+ cables for my Mac pre and my future power amp... any thoughts?

Showing 3 responses by uberwaltz

I think your cables are a1+ Grannyring.
You don't need mine, I'm just lazy and can't  be bothered to twist them all together!
Stuff I use is maybe overkill and might not be for all tastes for sure.
I have been using these Viborg connectors on my power cords.

Cable is secret sauce that I obtain from my employ as an industrial electrician, cant say any more.......
IMHO the power cords I have made are on a par with cords that retail at the $350 mark and all in I have under $100 in materials.
Then I moved onto making my own speaker cables and VERY impressed with the results there both in sq and finances.
Next project is interconnects, we will see how that goes but I am confident it will be successful to myself at least.
eBay is a good resource for items like the outer braid and shrinktube to make things look professional.
If you are at all handy and enjoy a project I say go for it. The cable is definitely the lesser part of the cost over the plugs.......