Who Here Makes Their Own Power Cables?

I love making cables for my guitars, amps etc. and I want to build two+ cables for my Mac pre and my future power amp... any thoughts?

Showing 5 responses by geoffkait

Stranded wire is not necessarily directional, only if all the strands are controlled during manufacture to be in the same direction. Without knowing for sure I’d guess the strands probably are all in the same direction. But if they were in random directions, not all the same, that would certainly explanation n why there’s no difference in direction. Audioquest controls all their cables and cords for directionality, including stranded cables and cords. I suspect Duelund is unaware of wire directionality.
Just because there are no arrrows 🔜 doesn’t mean a wire or cable isn’t directional. They’re all directional.

Hey, granny, from somewhere in cyberspace,

Exhibit A

“Duelund VSF Capacitors are indeed great, but what most uses don’t realize is they are very much directional. In one direction they will sound disjointed, rough, strangely unmusical less involving, the frequency curve does not sound flat and lacking the usual lovery fullness in the lower midrange. I must say i could not stand them in the wrong orientation, they can go from magnificent to ordinary just by flipping the cap around. What is amazing is that no one seems to have even fingered this out, so much for these supposed experts who tell us what to buy regarding internal components. Even resistors (most if not all), are directional and that direction change does not mean it sounds bad, just different.”
    Whoa! You mean there are other ways of producing wire other than drawing it through a die?
    Cryogenics and wire directionality are equally germane to SQ as stranded vs solid core. At least that’s how the big boys roll. 

    pop quiz - is directionality applicable to stranded wires?

    Part 2 - How would you determine directionality for power cord wire?
    There’s no financial advantage to making your own power cord if you would have bought an inexpensive commercial power cord. The advantage is not so clear if you would have bought an expensive power cord, however. There are many things to consider regarding the DIYer’s skill and knowledge.

    Rule No. 1 - If you’re going to copy something copy something good, not something mediocre.

    When you control the mail you control.... information.