Who has tried Virtual Dynamics cables?

I recently purchased the Signature line of Virtual Dynamics cables (power, speaker, and interconnects) to replace Transparent Reference speaker, Nordost Quatro Fil interconnects, and Shunyata Powersnake Viper V1 and V2 power cords. I found a significant improvement in clarity, detail, lower background noise, tighter bass, and a greater sense of being there. The improvements were so significant, I took my Shunyata Hydra out of the system. Obviously, I probably should have replaced one set of cables at a time so that I could evaluate one change at a time. However, Rick at Virtual Dynamics indicated the cables work together better and, of course, I couldn't wait to hear them. Has anyone tried them as a complete set?

Showing 1 response by glory

Is the Master cables higher up the chain than the reference, and signature cables by VD?


the reference cables are what gage?


I am in the market for speaker cables and believe some of the cables made 20 years ago are just as good as the high dollar cables being made today