Who has dumped the power conditioner?

I recently replaced my mains conditioner, with a high quality power strip.(Oyaide MG).

The sound is now more detailed, dynamics I didn't know I was missing are back, and air and separation have all improved.
I am interested if anyone else has gone back to basics?
>>08-03-09: Prosoundman
Since when is it unprofessional or unethical to speak the truth?<<

It's your opinion not the "truth".

Now to the issue as you clearly misunderstood my comments.

Recommending a product without disclosing you have a financial interest is unprofessional and unethical.
It seems to me that your assertion that Prosoundman's opinion is "not the truth" is simply your "opinion" since you apparently know nothing about the power conditioner being discussed. Or do you know something of it? If you have opposing views I for one would be very interested to know what they are. After all, aren't we all here trying to learn more about this hobby of ours?

But I have to admit that it seems odd to me that as a dealer yourself, your only interest in this thread seems to be attacking Prosoundman.
Please! "...other than repping the products in Canada, Prosoundman has no financial interest, stake, claim, or other obligation or relationship to, with, or for Silver Circle Audio. He is simply a former customer, now a good friend, who bought our products, loved them, and asked to be able to show them to others in Canada when the opportunity arose. My email address is posted on our website. Anyone with any questions or issues is respectfully requested to email me personally rather than casting aspersions on other Audiogon members.
Dave Stanard
Thanks Dave, Audiofeil tends to play God alot around these forums. Makes him feel exceptionaly important to correct people on their own opinions:O) Funny how he has only ever initiated 1 thread...only one! Weird no? I geuss it does make sense however, since he trolls for ripe opinions to net, ay'? Arrrrgh, I'll best be goin now and think for myself.
"Please! "...other than repping the products in Canada, Prosoundman has no financial interest, stake, claim, or other obligation or relationship to, with, or for Silver Circle Audio"

I'm confused - can you explain this to me?

Is he or is he not rep for Silver Circle Audio(in Canada or elsewhere)? If he is he should disclose it - simple. As far as I know reps don't operate for free (financial interest). If he is not then Audiofeil made false assumption. This is not just opinion - it's a truth.

Dave_b - I also initiated only one thread.