Like I said you are absolutely right on all counts... I have known already that electrical pollution and noise in the room and house were stupendous unbeknownst to most or underestimated by all...But even for me it is amazing how the lost by this plague has destroyed the potential of my Hi-Fi system...I dont even speak about the other 2 plagues: resonance-vibrations, and acoustical treatment of room...
>>>>I wrote almost twenty years ago the primary malady that crystals offer a remedy for is vibration - not (rpt not), as often assumed, RFI. When you assume something you make a fool of me and Uma Thurman.
Yes, I know what you’re thinking, “But I’ve used the crystals wherever RF can interfere with the signal - Schumann resonators, near small vacuum tubes, on power supplies, on top of CD players. So the crystals MUST be absorbing RF.”