Who are these crazy people?

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Showing 2 responses by djohnson54

I'm pretty sure Ncarv is being facetious guys. This is the way I usually listen to albums so I like this concept. I know the (former) members of Pink Floyd feel the same way as they were fighting against the release of individual songs from their albums as mp3s.

This is also a neat way to get together with like-minded people and make new friends.

In the old days when you used to learn about new music on the radio, I would almost never buy an album based on one song (too poor at the time). However, some of the best songs I ever found were on albums I did take a chance on and they were never the songs that the record execs picked for airplay.
Hehehe, you're welcome Ncarv. As someone said to me the other day - "We need a sarcasm font for email."