Whither the Great Designers?

Haven't really paid much attention to this, but are there young(er) designers who are going to fill the shoes of people like Arnie Nudell, Conrad and Johnson, William Johnson, Paul McGowan, Jim Whinney (SP?), Bobby Palkovic etc? Who and where are they?

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Would these qualify?

Alex Peychel (APL), John Tucker (Exemplar), Dan Wright (Modwright), Ric Schultz, Henry Ho (H20), Josh Stippich(Electronluv), Terry Cain, Ron Welborne, George Wright, Chris Brady (Teres), Mike Sanders (Quicksilver, Jim Wang (Harmonic Technology), Emmanuel Go (First Sound), Duevel...and a number of others whose names I fail to recall at this moment.

Only time will tell which of these names are mentioned alongside the CJ's & Paul Klipsch's of the audio world, but I think there is a lot of startling innovation happening right here.