Which would you choose for good sounding tube preamp for an audiophile new to tubes.

I need your help guys. I would like to add a tube preamp to pair with my reference 200.2 B&K amplifier. My speakers are large ADS L1590 towers ( 90 DB efficiency rating). They were a flagship back in the day. I have had them restored by an ads tech. I am l looking at  a QUICKSILVER LINESTAGE LS PREAMPLIFIER, VTL 5.5 preamplifier, and a Sonic Frontiers SFL-1. All are currently used and on audiomart or audiogon. The Sonic Frontiers is for sale on hi-fi heaven. I purchased from them before and they check out the equipment that is preowned. My system is a little bright and dynamic sounding using the sonata B&K preamp. (There best at the time). I am looking for a little warmth in the sound and no harshness. I want some slam and afraid I will lose it if I go with tubes.  I have had success buying certain units because of the knowledge dispensed through this forum I am a member of Audiogon in good standing. Any help would be great. I appreciate the feedback. 


Showing 1 response by zazouswing

I’ve had a lot of luck with the Icon Audio gear. Currently using an LA 4 in one system. They don’t get a lot of attention here and I’m not certain why. I would make certain whatever you get is tube rectified. I’m generally of the impression that a tube amp with SS rectification is more SS than tube - you are listening to wall power after all. Impedance needs to be considered as others have pointed out. Finally, with 90db sensitivity, I imagine you don’t need a lot of gain. Most preamps have too much gain in my opinion. Just like final amps, tube gain is not in the same category as SS gain - for reasons I’ll never understand. 9bd gain in a tube preamp should get you there.