Which would you choose for good sounding tube preamp for an audiophile new to tubes.

I need your help guys. I would like to add a tube preamp to pair with my reference 200.2 B&K amplifier. My speakers are large ADS L1590 towers ( 90 DB efficiency rating). They were a flagship back in the day. I have had them restored by an ads tech. I am l looking at  a QUICKSILVER LINESTAGE LS PREAMPLIFIER, VTL 5.5 preamplifier, and a Sonic Frontiers SFL-1. All are currently used and on audiomart or audiogon. The Sonic Frontiers is for sale on hi-fi heaven. I purchased from them before and they check out the equipment that is preowned. My system is a little bright and dynamic sounding using the sonata B&K preamp. (There best at the time). I am looking for a little warmth in the sound and no harshness. I want some slam and afraid I will lose it if I go with tubes.  I have had success buying certain units because of the knowledge dispensed through this forum I am a member of Audiogon in good standing. Any help would be great. I appreciate the feedback. 


Showing 4 responses by holmz

I owned a 1990’s Tubed CD Player… was warm but completely lacking in details. I can’t help but thinking an ancient preamp would sound similar. The VTL is equally old. The 1990’s tube equipment tended to be really warm but lacking in detail. Therefore, I am thinking look towards the Quicksilver.

I used a 1999 Audible Illusions Modulus preamp till just recently, and it seemed pretty adequate.

What is the OPs budget?

(S)/He mentioned “slam” and the tube amps I have used seem to do pretty good in that regard.
There is no obvious reason that a SS amp would be better “slam”, unless we are talking about a 5W SET versus a 400W monoblock. But the 80-100W push/pull monoblock tube units seems to keep up OK.

Is a tubed preamp with an output imp.of 800ohms,a good match with a SS power amp input imp of 22k ohms.

I suspect these systems with weak preamp output drives coupling into low input impedance amplifiers are the same systems where cables appear to make a massive difference as to how it sounds.

That 10:1 ratio get one into the area where cables don’t matter, and you have synergy from the electrical perspective, rather than a magical and unexplainable synergy.

I might be wrong, so YMMV.