Which Would You Choose?

My System

NAD M12 Preamp with HDMI/BluOs modules

Parasound Halo JC5 Amp

Arcam DV79 DVD/CD

Sonus Faber Olympica III speakers

Sunfire HRS 10 subs X 2

Audioquest NRG Z2 power cords

Silnote Morpheus Reference Series II XLR

Audioquest Pearl 48 HDMI cables

Audioquest Greyhound sub cables

Aircom S8 cooling unit for amp

Monster Power HTS 3600 MKII

Mogami 2921 speaker wire/bi wired


You all know the desire to improve your sound. Thinking of switching amps again.

Rotel Michi S5


Music Fidelity M8s-500s



Showing 1 response by classdstreamer

@soix and @jeffreyw already recommended what I was going to say. I believe your best bang-for-buck upgrade may be a power conditioner.

Like you, I have a more mostest system. I dropped an AudioQuest Niagara 5000 w/ Tornado power cable into the system, and I was rewarded with better everything. Part of me was expecting no change at all, or a slight change only that wouldn’t justify the price. After that result I had, I picked up some AQ Hurricane power cables and also put a Niagara 1200 on my TV system. I was pleased with the results. I’ve played with a handful of sub 1k power conditioners and some sub 1k power cables and haven’t been impressed with the results. Another power conditioner that seems to be getting ubiquitously good results is Puritan, which is under 2k USD.

I would suggest comparing your Monster conditioner against a standard power strip to start. If you’re not hearing a difference, or if it’s just a slight difference, I bet you'll be pleasantly surprised with a dramatic improvement with a Puritan or Niagara.

And, if your results aren’t dramatic like mine were, then sure, put the money into a different component. I can’t speak to your power amp, but I’d think the NAD could be improved upon. My vote would be to consider the Holo Audio Spring or May DAC/pre’s.